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Police, EMTs and Parents
Citation:   Jakey. "Police, EMTs and Parents: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp49750)". Jun 19, 2007.

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 3:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I'm 17. This was not my first time trying mushrooms, but it was definitely the worst. I have tried mushrooms three times. The first time I had 1/32 oz, the second time I had 1/16 oz, and the last time I had 1/8 oz.

I had planned out with a few of my friends that the first day of winter break we would drop some shrooms. In total there was supposed to be four of us. When the day came six people showed up. I decided to go along with the plan anyways. My girlfriend (M) and I ate 1/8 oz while everyone else had 1/16 oz. We dropped them at 10:30 am.

After about a half of an hour we were all starting to feel the mushrooms coming on. A few of my friends started having giggle fits, and a couple just looked up at the ceiling. We were listening to 'When the Music's Over' by The Doors. All of a sudden M gets up and runs into the bathroom. I decide after a few seconds to go check on her. When I walked into the bathroom M started to lay down and shake. I began to get very worried and yelled out to my friends to help. I managed to get M up and I carried her into my room. She was very pale, looked extremely afraid, and she kept saying she was tired while she closed her eyes. My friend G and I told her to stay awake and that she'd be ok. She told us that she couldn't remember falling down.

Around 11:00- After another 5 or so minutes my friends decided they wanted to go on a walk. M said she felt up to it, except once she started putting her coat on she began to look very afraid and she said that she'd changed her mind. So, we just sat in my room for awhile. All of a sudden I started to get really afraid and wondered when my friends would get back. M and I decided to lay on the couch in the livingroom and watch tv to keep a hold on reality. It didn't work. When my friends got back I started to have visuals. All the walls started to breathe very intensely.

M asked my brother (he's 16) to see if there was anyway to come down early from shrooms. He went upstairs to look online. After about 10 min I went upstairs to ask him what he'd found out. His search had turned up nothing. I decided to call my uncle and ask him for help. My uncle told me stories about when he had done them to try to calm me down. I returned to M and said there was nothing, and returned to lying on the couch. My friends had turned the channel to MTV.

Around 1:30-As I lay and tried to watch MTV all of a sudden my visuals became much more intense. All of the walls in the room were vibrating very intensely and whenever somebody moved an image of their body seemed to be a little behind (tracers). Then all of a sudden the tv started to echo, but no one's voice that I was with echoed. I believed I was going insane. So, I decided to close my eyes. At first all I saw was was a blue line going down a tunnel. Then I saw flaming skulls raining down and I was having thoughts about death. I kept thinking that no one would care if I died and I started to wonder why I was still alive. Then the skulls turned into a blue line again and I started to scream (in my head) 'Why am I here?' 'What's the meaning of life?' then I saw a Roman face, just an outline, in blue. Instead of having the red crest on top though, there was fire. Then I came to the realization that the meaning of life was love. All of a sudden I was very happy. I told M and she just smiled.

Around 2:00- I finally opened my eyes and sat up. My friends asked if I was feeling better and I said that I was. Then we watched MTV and made fun of the people on the shows for a couple hours. I felt really good and so did everyone else. We managed to just talk and have fun for a couple hours. Then they asked if I was up for smoking a bowl. I said that I was and we went into my room, except M.

Around 4:00- We just finished smoking a bowl when M came in. She said she was feeling quite well. She came and sat by me. Then all of a sudden she got up and ran to the bathroom. I followed her and got there in time to catch her before she passed out again. I dragged her into the living room and woke her up. She woke up and looked extremely scared again. My stepdad shouted down and asked what was going on. He said bullshit and called her mom. After he called her mom, he called the ambulance. I got M to the couch and then we had a police officer and two EMTs downstairs with us. The cop grilled M while I stood in the doorway of my room. I started to feel a blood rush to my head and my vision got all starry and I needed to sit down. It turns out the same thing happened to my friend B who had just gone upstairs. While I was being helped, the cop got M to say we were on mushrooms. So M, B, G, and I were put into the ambulance. The other two managed to play it cool and didn't have to go.

When we start to leave M breaks down in tears I hold her and say it will be ok. One of the EMTs tells us not to worry because he'd done them before and it wasn't a big deal. I was very pale and very dehydrated because I hadn't had anything to drink all day. About this time the shrooms were coming back up because we had smoked a bowl. When we got to the hospital we were all separated and sent to different rooms. I was taken to a room to have my vitals done. After a couple minutes in there I got lightheaded again and almost passed out.

Around 5:00- When I got into my room I was looking at the curtains and the leaves on the curtains morphed into faces. Then the curtains changed into a flat checkerboard pattern and a ripple went all the way across the room. My mom was called along with everyone else's parents who went to the hospital, ecxept B's. My mom and I waited until we were told we could leave and then we passed my friends room. I looked in and he looked very worried. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that they'd said I already left. My mom talked the nurse into calling his parents and getting permission to take him home.

Around 10:30 p.m.- The effects were finally wearing down. I looked up at the ceiling upstairs and it rippled a little, but nothing like before. I called my uncle to tell him I was ok, and then I tried to sleep. I didn't get to sleep until 4:00 a.m., and I had trouble sleeping for a few days. Now I don't have many issues, my room is a little scary for some reason, but I'm sure that will pass.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49750
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2007Views: 8,092
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Police / Customs (60), Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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