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Aliens and a Police Chase
Citation:   Kelson. "Aliens and a Police Chase: An Experience with Alcohol (exp49859)". May 26, 2006.

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I’m a fairly normal guy in my thirties, with a steady job, and no medical history, but it could be said I have an addictive personality. At the time of this alcohol experience, I was in the middle of losing a serious relationship, and I was stressed from some financial issues as well. In addition, I/we were drinking five or more drinks daily, and as I had recently finished building a bar in our home, there was a large quantity of alcohol readily available.

Around 10 am on a Saturday, my girlfriend went off to work, and I promptly made my first Long Island tea of the day. I had maybe nine of these on an empty stomach, and a few beers as well. If I ate anything at all, it was a small bag of chips and some nuts. I’m content being alone, so it surprises me that I decided to head out for some company.

I made it to one of my haunts—a pool hall maybe 5 miles away and was delighted to see Bill, with whom I was once very close, but hadn’t seen in a few years. I even hugged the guy (which is unlike me), and we enjoyed beers and shots of tequila, and caught-up on each others’ lives. Being Saturday afternoon, people I knew kept showing up and I kept buying shots of tequila and drinking beer. I was high for a few hours, but eventually, I got sloppy, and was apparently asked to leave. I was blacking in and out by then, and vaguely remember some sort of altercation with a bouncer (which is also unlike me). As we headed to the parking lot, this guy decided I wasn’t driving anywhere, and I did not protest as he took my keys. I was laid out across the back seat of his ancient Suburban, and there was a second passenger sitting next to the driver.

Before we move on to the weird part, let me make a few statements: 1) I live not far from where the alien spaceship crashed in 1947, and “I believe”. 2) As mentioned above, my mental state was clouded with money and girl issues, and I was possibly not far from some sort of “mental episode” anyway. 3) The interior lighting in the old truck was sub-standard. 4) I had been drinking significant quantities all day on an empty stomach.

As we hit a pothole, I was shaken back to consciousness. This is what I assessed—I know where I am and whom I’m with, but we should not be driving on a dirt road. From this angle, and with the lighting, Bill looks like some sort of alien. Oh Christ, Bill is an alien, so is that other guy, and they’re taking me out to the desert and bad things will happen there. It is imperative that I get away from these aliens right away! My plan was this—get them to pull over, lure them from the vehicle, then run back to the vehicle, and drive away fast. Therefore, I did.

At this point, the paranoia got much worse, and now it wasn’t just Bill and his friend that were aliens, but the whole city was being taken over. Then, I lost hold of the alien concept and was simply fleeing from some “evil thing”. I recall screaming aloud over and over, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? The only solution was to get out of town. It seemed a noble idea to rescue my girlfriend too, so I headed towards home driving insanely the whole way. When I got there, she had just recently got off the phone with some guy named Bill who related a ridiculous story about being stranded on a dirt road by a screaming lunatic, so she had gone to give him a ride and try to fill in the details. “Well, I can’t wait for her,” I thought, so I headed towards the edge of town.

Being the rational person that I am, I knew I would need supplies for this journey, so walked into a gas station, grabbed a 12 pack of Corona, 2 bottles of water, and left. The cashier tried to stop me, but I screamed something about how it was pointless to pay when this evil thing was going to wipe out the town anyway. She promptly called the police.

The vehicle I was driving was huge and white, and since it was swerving all over the road, I promptly had flashers and sirens behind me. As I failed to pull over, I soon had three or so cop cars trailing me, and in my desperation, we were soon all doing 70 mph through town. I was not running from the cops because I didn’t want to be arrested; It was because I knew they were “in on it”, and I really didn’t want to experience an alien anal probe, or whatever else they had in mind.

Eventually, I totaled the vehicle, rolling it 3 times but as I was wearing a seatbelt, and someone was watching over me, I was only cut up a little bit. At the hospital, I became obsessed with the idea that someone must have spiked one of my drinks, and insisted they check my blood and piss for drugs. I was clean except for a BAC of .28 or something. Apparently, a “Mickey” wouldn’t show-up anyway, but I’ve accepted the idea that I was just too drunk, and a little stressed.

When I related this horror story at drug and alcohol counseling, one of the ex-cons remarked, “Well, it sounds like you acted correctly if you really thought that’s what was going on.” After spending a few thousand, I got out of jail, and embraced sobriety. It’s been a couple years now, and I’m pretty sure Bill isn’t really an alien. However, when Star Trek comes on TV, I tend to change the channel; it makes me feel a little anxious.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 49859
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 26, 2006Views: 21,516
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Alcohol (61), Police / Customs (60) : Post Trip Problems (8), Bad Trips (6), Various (28)

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