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What a Gas!
5-MeO-DiPT & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Debdeb. "What a Gas!: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & Nitrous Oxide (exp49886)". Apr 10, 2006.

T+ 0:00
12.5 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (liquid)
  T+ 0:00   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 2:00 6.25 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (liquid)
A friend of ours gave us 100 mg of 5-MeO-DiPT last year, and we had been waiting for the right time to present itself to indulge. At the urging of friend B, we set a date, and had our journey last night. My sig oth (D) and I are in our 40s and have had lots of psychedelics experience but mostly in our early and mid 20s (a little E in the past 3 years but not much). Our friend B is in her mid-30s and has had a lot of off-and-on experience as well. B’s friend D2 joined us, young but savvy with multiple E experiences, mostly in rave settings.

I read lots of accounts to get a feeling for the possibilities. The most valuable information (and A LOT was of value, I must say) was that nausea and other GI difficulties can arise if you don’t fast or eat lightly the day of. So D and I had a little good oatmeal in the morning, I had a banana for lunch (he had nothing) and no dinner. B and D2 had light meals. I also got a good feeling for what the right dosage would be for us after reading reports.

D and I live in a really fun apartment, with many colors and playful things everywhere. We all decided this would be the best setting. We got loads of unscented votives, flowers, colorful cloths, 4 cartons of Whip-Its, and D superbly crafted an iTunes playlist; we also laid in some tasty snacks, as I had read that food on Foxy actually tastes quite good and is very enjoyable. We were all relaxed and smiley, with no real agenda except to have fun and find out what Foxy is about.

We prepared the doses (12.5 mg each) by dissolving the 100 mg into water and dividing into 8 parts. We slammed it at about 8:30 PM; it was unpleasant tasting but only lasted for a minute or so, no biggie at all. I had a brass chime for us to ring when we started feeling the drug come on. I dinged at 8:54, everyone else closely after.

As reported, we did feel some slight nausea, so we cracked open a bottle of good champagne and let the bubbles do their work. It was fun to watch the bubbles, and roundness became the theme of the evening. We started right away to enhance our physical sensations with N2O, and found throughout the experience that it is a wonderful complement to Foxy, intensifying aural and visual effects considerably. We started a nice slow peak at about 9:30; there was lots of laughter involved. We once almost started a serious conversation, but gave it up quickly. Foxy is not that drug.

We decided to gently bump at 10:25 PM, and downed 6.25 mg (dissolved in water again). We figured we would not become any more nauseous or uncomfortable w/ the bump, and indeed we did not; the initial effects had lessened but never really went away until the trip was over and done. After the bump, things started picking up and we had a terrific desire to dance and move. D put on a Bangra mix that was just the thing, beautifully complex ecstatic Middle-Eastern dance music. We spun and sweated, and D2 raver danced beautifully with lights, and it was just grand. We drifted and laughed for the next couple hours, broke out the food at about midnight and totally enjoyed every bite (we had lots of fruits, limes, pita chips and hummus, and olives).

The rest of the night passed in a lovely, inwardly outward way. We enjoyed music very, very much (Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works Volume 2 was the highlight of the mix, scientifically designed for just this type of experience). Candles made for nice movement of the walls and ceiling. The visual effects from Foxy seemed to occur mostly on my eye-screen, and in accompaniment to music, as opposed to hallucinatory effects. The eyes-open experience was swimmy and gloopy, and absolutely connected to the increased light-gathering capabilities of our visual machinery. Very pleasant but not intense.

Outside of the easily-overlooked physical discomfort at this dosage, our Foxy night was just splendid. D and I felt very connected through the experience, but without the need to be touchy and couply. We ended the night becalmed but needing to connect physically, and it was indeed just the thing. We slept a bit, maybe 2 hours, and woke refreshed and not at all hung-over or crispy: I’d like to emphasize what a delight it is not to lose a day after having drug-fun, as often happens (to D and I anyway) after a night of speed or E. We bounded out of bed, famished, went to breakfast, and are having a productive day. We are interested in trying this fine chemical again!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49886
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2006Views: 10,028
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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