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2CT Heaven
by God
Citation:   God. "2CT Heaven: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp5)". May 31, 2000.

25 mg oral 2C-T-7 (capsule)
Having read some accounts of nausea on 2-CT-7, I decided to take some on a full stomach. I ingested 25-30mg in a capsule about 1 1/2 hours after a substantial meal, 10pm. The full effects did not really come on until about two hours later. I resisted the impulse to boost, and I was glad I didn't once it came on.

Initially I noticed some onset effects similar to mushrooms or LSD. This was calmer than either and had a component to it that reminded me of ecstacy. I would compare this most closely to a candyflip (ecstacy/acid combo), but a friend tells me this sounds a lot like 2CB. Whatever, however, this is a lovely ride, calm and powerful, with plenty of closed-eye and open-eye visuals, and a strong connection to the here and now. The trip lasted a solid 8 hours, with a long slow peak and descent. Speaking of the visuals, I noticed that they had a different aesthetic than other compounds' visuals. Whereas LSD is strongly kaleidoscopic, with overlaid patterns, and DMT is very pointy and elfin (no better terms come to mind), 2-CT-7 had a strong organic, morphy feel. I saw (closed-eye) visions of alien living spaces, with silver skinned friendly people hanging out, glad to see me there. They had impeccable taste.

I felt great until I fell asleep at 8am or so. I was tired when I woke up, but not dissipated or stupid.

Overall, this was a VERY kind drug, and I will try it again.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 5
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2000Views: 9,171
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2C-T-7 (54) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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