Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Playing with Percodan
Oxycodone (Percodan)
Citation:   DoubleAK. "Playing with Percodan: An Experience with Oxycodone (Percodan) (exp5014)". Jan 11, 2002.

  oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
My girlfriend recently had surgery and her doctor prescribed some Percodan for the pain. Since she was happy taking just ibuprofen, she gave me the pills to experiment with.

For my first time, I decided to take 20mg (4 tabs) of oxycodone to see what the effects were. After using the cold water extraction method to remove most of the aspirin, I was left with about 2 shots of yellowish water. After eating a few crackers to settle my stomach, I drank the water and ate some chocolate to kill the taste. The solution tasted like watered-down uncoated medicinal tablets. Not as bad as I was expecting. I then sat down and watched TV, waiting for the stuff to kick in. About 20 minutes later my body began to relax, and I felt a little lightheaded. It kind of felt like a mushroom trip coming on. After about 45 minutes, I reached maximum cruising altitude. All of my muscles were relaxed and my body felt quite heavy. My mind was quite clear at the time, although I would zone out every now and then. I was never sleepy, just mellow. My balance and coordination was off slightly, most notably when standing up after sitting for a while.

The full effects of the oxy lasted for about six hours, then began to taper off after that. This experience was pleasurable, but pretty mild.

About a week after my first experience with oxy, I decided to try again, this time with a larger dose. I extracted about 40mg of oxy from the aspirin, which yielded about 3 shots worth of liquid. I again drank the stuff with some crackers and chocolate. This time, the solution tasted much worse, (probably due to the higher concentration of oxy in the solution) but not repulsive.

The effects kicked in quite fast- about 10 minutes later. I became pleasurably dizzy and unbalanced, like being drunk. I felt quite euphoric and my mind and body again became relaxed. About 45 minutes after ingesting, I began to get nauseous. The dizziness was making it worse, so I sat down on the couch hoping it would pass. It did not. I tried eating and drinking some water, but it didn't help. Finally, after sitting on the couch for about 2 hours feeling sick, I got up and drank about a quarter bottle of Pepto-Bismol. This seemed to help, but by then the strong effects of the oxy had worn off. All I was left with was a mellow buzz, which wore off about 5 hours later.

In conclusion, I believe this drug is best in small doses when taken orally. The nausea isn't worth the greater high, although weed might help with this symptom. In fact, oxycodone might be best used as a compliment to some good weed, because of its nice mellowing effects.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5014
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2002Views: 25,506
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Oxycodone (176) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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