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Comedown Delayed, Big Time
LSD & Cannabis
by Zeke
Citation:   Zeke. "Comedown Delayed, Big Time: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp50164)". Mar 8, 2006.

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:20 1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 5:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
Well, where to begin.

I've taken LSD about 6 or 7 times in my life. So far, each trip has been very positive, and I've approached each trip (or rather, the proposition of partaking in each individual one) with a strait-minded care and attention paid to set and setting. But at this point, I've gotten so comfortable with the drug that the 'setting' aspect has become a little more flexible, and I find at times that I would feel more than comfortable (to say the least) to socialize, and talk to people.

Anyway, this particular night was unlike any trip I had ever experienced. It started off with me taking the last two hits of something I had left over from a new dealer, mixed with a third hit of some extremely unique LSD (and I have since concluded it could have not been unique in any way other than it simply being of a higher potency and nothing more). Let me take a moment to describe its “uniqueness”.

This third hit of LSD was taken from a batch that I had once sampled a couple months ago (bought this from a different friend). The last time I took the stuff he had from that same particular ‘batch’ (of which this was of the same 'clippings' [so to speak]), it was much more different. When I had taken two hits of this same stuff last time around, I reached peak visual experiences within a half hour, maybe 20 minutes. It was one of the quickest onsets I had ever experienced and the visuals were very strong (by comparison, I will now add was a result of prior experiences being the result of a slightly diluted dosage from other separate batches. Just like when you hear stories about gas stations dumping water in their tanks to sell more for less). It didn't start off quite right, however, as I had eaten some bad food (perhaps bad food, perhaps bad judgment of eating too much bad food before taking the drug). I vomited, and managed to get about 80% to its proper destination. The rest was on my arm/bathroom toilet.

Now, you can imagine that when you're under the influence of a drug like this that you sure as hell wouldn't be happy about throwing up allover yourself. But after asking my girlfriend (who has never taken the drug, she doesn't even smoke pot) to light some incense, and me taking a quick shower (which I was forced to think of as a 'birthing'-like ritual into whatever was waiting for me around the corner of the night) I soon made it back to my bed room. I was lying in bed with her, felt calm,…soon then energized, excited, animated, and in a mood talk talk talk.

Talk about what? Well, reality, using politics and daily routine/habits as a springboard for observation.

Anyway, I had a blast the rest of that night, and lost all of whatever audio of it I had recorded into my computer by accident, but so what.

So, back to what happened to me last night. To what I had never experienced before in my life on LSD that I did for the first time.

I started at about 10 p.m., dropping the two hits I had first, and then added the third one about 20 minutes later. And for about 5 hours after that, everything was very normal (in terms of a trip that consists of some overlay visuals and nothing more…with respect to a young-boyish sense of humor as always). But something profound happened towards the end (5 + hours AFTER I had first taken the drug) when I smoked a bowl of cannabis with my sister. About 5 minutes after I started smoking it, my body, almost suddenly, fell like it was being very-mildly electrocuted. But not exactly in the way that would make your arms go flailing around or something nutty like this. It was uncomfortable, at first, but that was simply because I was not familiar with it in the past, and I bordered on having a minor bad trip, as a result of trying to trick myself into thinking that there were long term side effects that would be with me for the rest of my life because of this awkward sensation (which the only thing I had ever read close to something like that could be thought of as, not LSD gripping a person for the rest of their days, but rather, post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of a 12 or so hour long ordeal of such an alien feeling).

I should also say that at the same time my body felt electrified, the visuals became profound on a whole new level. My dogs face took on a slight degree of human-ness to it, especially around his eyes. His whole face look very vibrant...almost mystically royal looking, if you could imagine a mut dog like mine looking like the Fire Fox icon on my desktop (the super high-resolution version of it, which you’ll be able to enjoy in an new Operating System, soon to arrive in a store near you…P.S….these newer operating systems are beginning to look more “real”, or potentially psychedelic…Anyway). I started to stare at my arm, and the next thing you know, my body looks like something Alex Grey would have painted on himself if he could wear it or bear the ability to have it tattooed.

I went to lie down with my already asleep girlfriend (in a partial attempt to sooth my nerves and relax, while I worked to understand what was going on inside my head. My jaw, for example, felt like it was sliding sideways without friction or drag or real ‘collision’ (physical, that is). My chin felt like it slid off my face, and then back into place from the other side. That didn't happen for more than a couple minutes.

Slivers of light from outside my bedroom would appear to have a lot of smoke passing through the light beams into the room, but when I asked if I were seeing what I was actually seeing, I would get this 'Nope, it's just you (no beams of shimmering light)'.

For about 30 seconds, at one point, my sense of touch was totally confused. I couldn't tell if my arm was extended away from me across the bed, or bent at the elbow towards me, but around my girlfriend sleeping next to me. And on one occasion, I followed a reflection of light bounced off my wall (it made my wall look like a mirror, for a moment, but only because the lights were off, and it was dim. Lots of room for visual play, in other words, and the size of the room felt different).

Now, the whole time into this, I said to myself, 'Oh my god (you know). I took too much!' So, you know, most of the night was me working out the following logic:

1. The effects of this substance will wear off (other than psychology, which is not necessarily something that's related to chemical intake, but rather, to mental (logical) stimuli).

2. Looking at a painting like something of Alex Grey's flavor, makes me go, 'Hmmm, he had to of 'fried' his noggin.'

Well, I would say that for a very brief moment of his life, he was actually “fried”, and the rest of it was him trying to remember and understand the 'fried' reality he was given, via visualization and activist/naturalist overlay hallucinations.

The bottom line is the drug itself, to me, has provided me with a positive experience each and every time. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I choose the times I take the drug, and places I take it, very very carefully. For example, who the hell would want to be in a bar full of drunken bigots? While on Acid! Ha ha, well, if you have the time it takes to think about how you could turn that into a fun kind of experiment, well...knock yourself out. I, on the other hand, will remain at home while on the substance, and enjoy the many east-Indian and Celtic tapestries I have on my walls to keep my eyes preoccupied will my mind drifts into the realm of true problem solving, based on a curious internal drive to learn more, and not take the easy routes out of a problem via habit or laziness.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50164
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2006Views: 8,017
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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