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I Death
Morning Glory
Citation:   Psychotropic Island. "I Death: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp50204)". Sep 25, 2006.

  oral Morning Glory (extract)
After a positive experience with Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, I obtained some morning glory seeds. Remembering the indigestion of the ingested seed husks, I took special precaution with these ones, grinding them up in a pestle and filtering water through a coffee filter. A total of 420 seeds were used, in about 2L of water, with some (too much or just enough) ginger to ease my stomach. Left the mix to sit in the fridge for a couple days.

One morning I packed up my acoustic, a backpack with music and notebook, and headed out to a nature trail. On the way I ingested about half of the disgusting (ginger) fluid. While still on the bus about half an hour later I began to feel the effects. That general fuzzy psychedelic onset feeling.

I got off the bus and it was a couple hundred yards to the trail. Halfway there I felt the urge to puke, so I leant against a streetlight ready to do so. I almost did, but didn't, thanks to the ginger.

So I got to the trail, and wandered off into some general overgrown area filled with trees and shrubs. By now the effects were becoming recognizable. Everything took on a slight iridescent glow. I found a tree whose roots were arranged in such a perfect position for me to recline in (I'm talking hammock-like). Playing guitar and found a strong affinity with the blues, as if I was finally hearing my soul singing. Then I started playing a particularly epic song I had been writing, which set a precedent for a strange feeling of death. Not like I was actually dying, but I just had to lean back and completely relinquish all energy.

On one beautiful level I really was dying a long drawn out death. I'd guess it took half an hour. Flies started to gather but I didn't mind. It felt like I was perpetually leaning farther and farther back through eternity or something. I opened my eyes and looked through the trees and saw the sky a glowing colour, as if I could see the sun's rays bouncing off of every atom of air. The greenery around me seemed like massive life condensed into mere leaves.

Then I was reborn. I felt new and fresh as though nothing in my life had even transpired yet. So I got up and took off my clothes. I was well off the trail enough that no one would see me. Not that I cared. In fact I was in the mood for freaking some people out. But instead I decided to leave my camp and venture out through the wilderness. I felt feral, my senses heightened, attuned to every sound and smell around me and every feeling under my feet.

I jumped up on an overturned tree trunk and climbed over the roots to see a vast open field. It was a crop field without any plants in it (possibly just recently planted). This climbing over the roots to the field was awe inspiring. It was like I stumbled upon some post apocalyptic wasteland (due to the contrast from the vibrant foliage). So I decided to run around naked in the field and then suntan for a bit. I couldn't remember my way back and wound up stepping on a bunch of dead brambles. It seemed metaphorical as my painful return to where my clothes and society are.

I used my non-drugged water bottle to wash off my wounds and proceeded to reclothe myself.

Back at home my mom was watching some Highlander show and there was this character who had flashes of a snake-like persona appear on him. I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or not. I spent the rest of the trip recollecting myself and recounting my experience in dying and being reborn as an animal. To this day I consider myself and all humans as mere animals, or vice versa. Anything with eyes is a brother or sister of mine. I guess jellyfish are too.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 50204
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 25, 2006Views: 7,837
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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