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In Real-Time
DOC & Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Adolfo. "In Real-Time: An Experience with DOC & Salvia divinorum (exp50211)". Mar 2, 2006.

T+ 0:00
3.0 mg insufflated DOC (powder / crystals)
  T+ 9:53     Salvia divinorum  
Here is my report in real-time:

6:00 PM: Insufflated 3-4mg DOC
Weighed the DOC cap again, got 90 mgs. Scrapped the bottom of the baggie for the other 10 and came with 3-4mgs. The scale was weighing the caps at 73-4-5 mgs instead of 75-80 this time, so something must have been different. Opened the cap and spilt in on a dusty transparent cd case. unfortunately I spilt in in the center so could only see the two largests grain of DOC. Snorted them, lined up the rest with a cardboard postcard and snorted again until I knew I was snorting dust. Licked the thing off anyway and swallowed the empty capsule.

6:20 PM: Felt something immediately. Feeling hyper already. Never done a PEA before. Somehow never felt as 'holy' as the tryptamines for justification purposes. Shamanic intent and the belief that this isn't as unhealthy as it seems, or if it was then the rewards are worth it.

6:25 PM: The initial unease and tension seems to have passed. I'd like to elaborate on my worry about the unhealthiness of PEAs. The way I understand it, they are more likely to cause neurotoxicity than tryptamines. When I'm in a shamanic state of mind then, the justification of the consumption of these substances by a neutral physical health standpoint vs. an eye-opening promise of psychological something collapses as soon as there is any proven physical health deficit.

6:30 PM: Definitely feeling something, but adapted to it. Feels as stimulating as the tryptamines. Worried about having to go into work tomorrow. So I have to do shadow work to find the motivation for consuming substances that are below the border and that are more logically grouped with Meth and Crack than Salvia.

6:31 PM: Euphoria, steadily increasing the volume of the music, Joy but not quite justified when it's exposed. Shivers, shudder, the same exact cold as I first felt on DPT then 4-Aco. I know it's boiling in my apartment, though, as I remember remarking that it was stuffy and humid when I came home an hour and half ago.

6:40 PM: Feel empty, like hungry.. Liked listening to 'That night in Toronto' by The Tragically Hip earlier though. The track that ends their first set (they come back for an encore) was the last on my playlist so it went into Trance, Rock by Ozone. The transition was seamless (and not only in the 'I enabled crossfading in itunes' kind of way).

6:43 PM: Still shivering. Thinking about snorting. In this case it's definitely the best way. Swallowing the drip (which is active - so everybody wins) is like going orally that I wouldn't be sure about right now since I just ate.

6:46 PM: Didn't know what time it was and reflexively looked at the time which in retrospect was foolish since only 3 minutes had passed. Thinking about guys I saw in the subway earlier as a thought-pointer to the people who synthesize research chemicals. Thought 2c-e was really the only 'social' drug. That pattern of thought was clearly already in place, whether or not I thought it up, by the time I read about K's Japan story. Thinking faster than I'm typing again and getting the feeling that I could not type and not much would be different. Like in real life, with speech. Think they correctly predicted what I am about to say so say something different just for the sake of difference. I want to have better meaning. This comes out looking nonsensical however and is often the cause of looking dumb. Unfinished thoughts come back to also sometimes feel suicidal. Yearly check-up.

6:54 PM: Definitely feel strong sense of ability. The shivers are mostly gone unless I think about them. Am I going to do homework? 'I can't stop dreaming' sounds like a cw. Just change the suic-prefix to homi-.
6:57 PM: 'What did that guy put in my back?'

7:00 PM: Doing third weekly assignment in intermediate logic class. Catching myself not being the best. I feel like I won't rise to be the best I could be. In retrospect, I could so have gone to class like this. What hurts the most is re-calling the past into question.

7:14 PM: Wasting time? Want to note that all this 'psychedelic' thinking made conscious has the aftertaste that I'd think this anyway but unconsciously and therefore faster. E.g. Doing homework without understanding.. What about webwork? Hope?
7:17 PM: Can't do work. Books are so incompatible with working with electronically. Just totally broke my new textbook trying to keep it open.
7:19 PM: Making creative executions. Like scorning the text has challenged the computer. As soon as I said that the fan started twice as loud, I started feeling like I was wasting energy at the rate I was writing and the music was unnecessary. Turning off the monitor while I read will be the limit of thinking there's more to read than there is.

7:24 PM: Didn't take long to see the subject matter wasn't the dearest to my heart. If I'm not going to devote myself to it, I get a sense of the worthless any engagement is at all... Do it because I have to. I don't have to like it, but I can. That's a sense of having realized something. I don't have to like everything I do, but the ability to like something, anything, is worth hanging on to. Reminded of Li Mu Bai in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saying there's nothing we can hold on to in this world. Wanting something is different from liking it. I think I want things because of the promise of how easy it will be to like them. I.e, being rich is attractive because it will be easy to like being rich. I'm happy now, the working-class neighborhood seems to want to tell me, if I'm one of them. Again, falling short of potential, but by the time I realize it's too late. . 'Don't you paint into a corner like that!' -RC Ah, the art.

7:31 PM: Feeling very good. Smile on my face. Homework getting me down. Work tomorrow. It's such an easy goal, though. I can't say I'm confident because I know it would take me the better part of the rest of the night. Dad and his disappointment in the time it takes me to do what I'm asked. (School). This drug is going to be one depressing come-down.. But maybe . What MUSIC?
7:34 PM: Guilt takes away the potential for creative enjoyment.. Like I can only enjoy it as much as I know the artists want me to. If I'm ripping them off, or if it's just for promo in hopes that I'll buy something later (which I wouldn't).
7:38 PM: I can either forget about my worries and enjoy myself or worry endlessly. The music selection, for example, is impossible to please. Anything new begs me to buy it and I've heard silence so many times. The teachers never liked my flair for the dramatic.

7:42 PM: Like speed readings! SPEED! So not the same as speeding.
7:44 PM: Being extroverted to the point of smiling, sighing and talking to myself. (It should be nothing new). I guess I took less than I thought? The inner voice has an accent that makes me want to change what I wrote.
7:48 PM: Feelings perceived in that electronic voice of elecperiod true. Quidding, disappointed, the elements ARE coming more slowly. Now, hearing someone frying chinese food. The hip's 'Never Worked that Hard' an audition.
7:54 PM: 'Does Gord smoke? I think so.' Willing to do whatever he does. Did. Times have changed. What about taping the show. Have to start adding tv to this equation. It'll be hard with the book though. WHAT about the music? It can be paused.
7:57 PM: Liking the chair I can't afford. If I want to afford any of these things I better get to work. Or know that I'll figure it out. DOC reminds of Doctor so anything related to this chem's powers are automatically getting mapped to doctors. Not paying much attention to TV. Maybe that's wasting? Just because it's pointing in a particular direction.

8:02 PM: Sickh head again. Blackened by :
Canada's wasting, China's coming over. The US's ways aren't the same because I'm not watching TV the same way, I'm not even able to. Wanting to join the US. China fear to be contagious. Ghost whisperer why is the guy always evil at some point? (So I can like the girl, duh). 'Are you going to give me a story?' I have to tell their stories! Should be going out on Friday night but can't do a bit of homework. If I do my homework first I'll have more time to play on Sunday.
8:11 PM: After all that money TV's a re-run. Do I turn it off now, or.. I'm obviously not going to control TV. I'm getting hot now.
8:16 PM: It's like the more I do at once the less I appreciate each thing. I refuse (being my classic, 'don't want' being less special and more intelligent) to believe I have a finite amount of attention. The 'You can't do that' when reaching for the next problem.

-30 minutes lost time with -

8:53 PM Dealing with data loss. Enjoyed seeing those little red dots, now I have a half hour of lost time. [EDIT: Computer crashed trying to run too many apps at once] The benefits of understanding what you're doing. Too bad drugs leave you and I feel digestion. How do you feel about losing work? Saying a half hour is VERY generous.
9:04 PM The kid who killed his sister should get away with it. Always with the car commercials. More like the US or more like China?
9:07 PM The more adult, more industrious students would work on Friday to be able to relax on Sunday instead of doing things last minute. I know there are bugs anyway.
9:12 Not going into the DOC is like meth extreme again..
9:13 Prove that it really isn't safe.
9:14 Compromising potential future trangressions. If you give your DNA they'll be able to ID you. Considering I wanted to make a run for it less than 16 minutes ago I think that makes a difference.
9:24 Offense is the best defense. The kids work on Friday at school.

9:36 You knew he was going to go down. I'm going to lose as long as I don't want to watch the game. If you're with men, the only thing worth watching TV for is the game. Reasons for data loss: power failure due to overheating. Fan supposed to be full of dust.
9:50 You don't have to KNOW history to CHANGE it!
9:53 It probably wouldn't help me work, not like DOC a PEA. Logic is Blatant. For the future, publish assignments to the web.
[EDIT: dosed Salvia]
10:21 Succumbed to the Group Sage-in. DOC and Salvia, it's officially been done. It was all about keeping it legal here where everything is legal. Where we place more importance on karma. I hope I'll remember to abstain talking about ..
10:28 It'll never be over. My working theory is that lowering my endogenous dopamine while introducing a PEA will teach the body how to produce it in addition to the regular amounts.. Logically it will fit the PEA where the DA is supposed to go. I want to lower the DA to resistance train against low levels and increase baseline. I'm also under the influence of addition to my baseline.

10:38 I want to increase throughput. In the long run by taking Salvia which slows down aging by lowering dopamine. Low levels of dopamine induce death due to old age. I want to increase DA. Taking a PEA will downregulate DA.. but it's fun. If Salvia heals, whether it brings me back to baseline or synergises as per my working theory it's all good.
10:39 Downregulation: Too much DA reduces demand permanently.
10:48 I don't like using up my karma with others specifically like that. If it's even a bad thing.]
11:00 The robbery of your ghost!
11:08 The furniture, that was cold. I actually believe I'll be going to bed by 2-3. At latest. Work at being quiet. Creation.
11:11 Saving it. Saying it.
11:19 Pictures of the importing of The SmaK
11:26 Change to 11:23
11:43 Shakes on time with
'':54 I heard a girl on her cellphone saying inappropriate about teachers
00:01 And there's no drug in effect here. The most psychedelic. Discovery.

I actually washed up believing I was going to go to bed after that. I was in bed by 1:45. I layed there, got up twice, once at 3:56. I got up a 3rd time and smoked a little extract at 5:55. Finally fell asleep for 5 hours. A little tired the next day but I took all kinds of herbal remedies, i.e. Green tea, Ashwagandah, Bacopa, etc. And made it through work (although I was obviously slower than normal). Overall good but I should make sure I _really_don't have anything to do tomorrow.

The long time it took me to get to sleep might have been partly due to Salvia as well. I get really picky about how comfortable I can be (too hot, cold sweats) after Salvia, like the first time I tried it, for instance, I spent at least 2-3 hrs tossing and turning that night (very uncommon at the time).

Also, the remark about no drug in effect here probably had some kind of sarcastic tone intended at the time. I was definitely past the peak but enjoying a clearly off-baseline feeling. In fact I took Deprenyl the next morning and had a little bit of a lingering tapering off of effects until last night. (L-Selegiline is a MAOI-B, which I think has an effect on PEAs, check this report's epilogue). I actually looked at myself at about the 3-4 hour mark and didn't notice my pupils. I was flushed and sweating, though, so that might have drow my attention away. I remember remarking many times that I was very confident I would have no problem acting normally, that I could have done this at school.

Originally the plan was to dose orally Thurs. night at around 12-1 and go to my class at 9 the next day before turning in.

It was a test-dose before going for a high dose in a more shamanic context (i.e. not doing homework). I wanted to know if I'd need a sitter, how hard it would be to actually get to sleep the after and if snorting it was a good idea. I gained a unique perspective on my life at school while doing homework, which I hadn't planned on doing by the way.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50211
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2006Views: 10,965
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