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Now for the Fun Side
Clonazepam & Alcohol (Ethanol)
Citation:   Pharmer R.. "Now for the Fun Side: An Experience with Clonazepam & Alcohol (Ethanol) (exp50405)". Jan 11, 2020.

    Pharms - Clonazepam  
      Alcohol (liquid)
In my previous report I was mainly focusing on the prescribed use of klonopin in the treatment of Social Anxiety and other related Anxiety Disorders.

This report is more about how klonopin can be used recreationally and what those experiences are like.

Obviously since I use a high prescribed dose of klonopin (1mg four times daily) if I want to really feel anything unusual from it I need to ingest a larger dose due to my tolerance level.Mixing benzos and alcohol Can and Often Does result in a 'blackout' type experience if too much of either substance is consumed. As for myself however I can easily take up to 10 or 12 mg of klonopin alone just to get a buzz going. The effects are similar to the effect the drug is supposed to have for the relief of anxiety, but they become much more pronounced, a kind of wavy happy, all is right with the world feeling usually takes me over and I become very laid back and easily capable of conversing with strangers, or just relaxing by myself.

It is similar to taking xanax or valium but it will last longer than either of those drugs. (See a benzo equivalancy chart for more on this). Klonopin can be snorted as most benzos can. It does not have a bad burn, but it tends to build up rather quickly at the back of my sinus cavity so I always snort a small amount of water to rinse it down. The tablets can also be chewed (unlike most benzos klonopin does not have a horribly bitter taste) and I find that chewing them up and washing them down with a beer kicks them in faster. I always find that this combination of oral, and snorted klonopin works very well with alcohol. I can begin to feel the effects of the klonopin pretty much immediately after snorting and I prefer to drink beer with the pills (chewed or not) as the carbonation seems to allow them to be metabolized into the bloodstream faster. This alone can be a great 'slumber party' type combination as due to the blackout effects of drinking and benzos combined it is usually best if everyone stays in one place for the duration. There is no real body buzz with klonopin, but in high doses (especially mixed with alcohol) it can produce a chattiness and camraderie not that dissimilar to what is found with ecstacy. It makes for a great small house party environment. After a while I usually feel extremely calm and relaxed (that all is right with the world) can discuss my innermost thoughts with friends, (or brand new friends as the klonopin makes me very friendly and open) and it just gives off a pretty good vibe overall.

The only drawback is that if I take too much and drink too much I may end up losing some of my fine motor skills and things may be broken due to stumbling, etc. And I may not always remember exactly what happened the evening before, only that it was pleasant.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50405
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2020Views: 3,407
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125), Alcohol (61) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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