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From Nice to Bad
Buprenorphine (Temgesic)
Citation:   ikoned. "From Nice to Bad: An Experience with Buprenorphine (Temgesic) (exp50433)". Mar 14, 2006.

  smoked Cannabis  
  200 ug insufflated Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
  200 ug insufflated Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
  200 ug insufflated Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
I have been using codeine for a while now, and I have tested Buprenorphine too, although only orally. This time I decided to take this chemical in form of powder to nose - some of my friends told me that the rush would be faster and, from a 'drug-user point of view', better.

I snorted the first pill of 0,2 mg somewhere around 10 AM, after smoking a very small amount of pot. The feeling was a nice, comforting rush, very similar to codeine, but faster and perhaps more euphoric, too.

About 30min later I saw few of my friends, and they noticed that I was someway 'high', mostly because I was very talkative. I felt myself very social at this point.

Few hours later I went with my friend to her boyfriend's apartment. I was already feeling myself pretty normal at the time - so I decided to sniff another T of 0,2mg. I started to feel very comfortable, we listened to music and played some funny game. I had the typical feeling that everything in the world is going very well, everything being nice and friendly. I also got a sudden urge to hug this friend of mine, I just wanted to be close to her and enjoy the feeling.

For some reason, I thought that I would get even more excellent feeling if I took one more pill after about 20 minutes had passed. This was a very stupid idea - I didn't actually feel any more euphoric. I went a bit dizzy, I just wanted to lay on the bed or sofa and keep my eyes shut. Unfortunately, my friend was going to visit somebody and I had to leave the apartment, too. I took a train to the central and went to have a cup of coffee at my regular little bar. In the train, people stared me a lot, because I was getting very pale, and my eyes were extremely tiny. My thoughts were wandering around and I was very tired.

After drinking the cup of coffee at the bar, I started to feel very uncomfortable and sick, so I went to have a leak to the toilet. At this time, I started vomiting.

Fortunately I saw a friend of my brother's on the street - I was very sick, vomiting around and had no clue where I should go or where I was originally supposed to go. This friend of mine noticed immediately that I was very sick, and offered to give me a ride home. I don't remember very much about the car trip, I just tried not to vomit in his car and kept my eyes shut.

When I got home, I just had to sit next to the toilet and vomit for few hours, drinking water only to vomit it out again. After these few hours, the vomiting stopped and I went to bed. My father, who came home from work at the time, asked me why am I so sick. I somehow invented that I possibly had a food poisoning, and I just wanted to sleep - which was actually very hard. At last, somewhere around 10PM I started to sleep, although I woke up at least five times, and I remember the very bad feeling of being still very dizzy and sick.

The next day I couldn't eat very much anything, although I wasn't sick anymore, I was still feeling quite disorientated.

I made the standard mistake of not reading enough about the substance, and because of this taking too much. I suppose this isn't a very large amount for a regular user, but I think I had no tolerance myself at all. In smaller quantities it is a very nice way of enhancing the day.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50433
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2006Views: 34,427
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Various (28), Overdose (29), First Times (2)

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