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Lost in Large Patterns Found Everywhere
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   PsiloPsyche. "Lost in Large Patterns Found Everywhere: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp50669)". Apr 28, 2007.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
[ Set & Setting ]

My friend's parents were out camping, and we had the whole house to ourselves. We decided to do it in the garage (with the doors closed) because my friend was concerned that the smoke would arrouse suspicion in his parents. We sat in lawn chairs in the middle of the empty garage and...

[ Experience ]

I was a little nervous, and my hands were shaking a bit, but I was ready. I lit the Salvia with the torch lighter and inhaled a rather meager amount of smoke. I held in the smoke for some time, exhaled, and took in what my friend said was an amazingly massive inhilation. I held in the smoke for about 5-15 seconds, and felt darkness encroaching teh periphery of my vision, moving inward. I blew out the smoke and...

I leaned back in the lawn chair, put my arms down, and wanted to make a humorous comment to my friend to the effect of, 'Here we go...,' but instead I said something to the effect of, 'Holy fucking shit...' The sound of my voice echoed for a few seconds and I laughed for about 3-5 seconds, and then everything went black for some unknown amount of time (I imagine it was only a few seconds).

When I came to I could not see the garage or anything noticeable. I was completely disoriented, confused, and I experienced the common (to me) sensation of psychedelic discomfort. Everything I looked at, floor, walls, ceiling, objects, etc; everything was covered in these large square/rectangular, colored, tile-like pieces, and were moving constantly. There was a great weight which forced me to the ground, and I could not do anything but lie down/crawl/look down to the floor.

I was mumbling random things according to my friend, and I recall that I was trying to a) figure out what was goign on, and b) explain what was going on. Throughout the time that I was in the garage I had little to no awareness of myself. I was simply stuck in this sickening psychedelia of moving, rotating, spinning, tiles of color. The colors did not change, they were not spread out, they weren't semi-visible; literally, everything I looked at was covered with (image floor tiles) tiles, filled with solid colors which did not change, and it was constantly moving.

I lost all sense of direction quite frequently. I would move which I was on my hands and knees, bump into the washer/dryer (which I did not see), and then slink down onto the ground, realigning myself with what was supposed to be the floor. Everything I looked at pulled me into its lines/pattern/shape and changed my direction of being. I was never sitting, or oriented, or comfortable. I was always being drawn into another direction, always down, and always spinning and changing. Although I read this in someone elses trip report, I concur that it was pulling me down and to the left.

At one time I came into contact with my friends shoe (which was on his foot), and I grabbed his leg/calf looking/searching for him. He announced that it was him, but somehow all of the directional/shape-shifing/etc wouldn't let me look up and all I saw was this leg, and everything else was mostly yellow, muted (I concur that the colors were muted, dull-like) tile-like material. After some difficulty I asked for help, 'I know its your leg, but I want to see what its connected to.' I needed something to ground myself back into reality, and then I saw all of him bent over. Another strange thing that I've noticed from my experiences with high-dose, legitimate psychedelic experiences with psilocybin mushrooms, is the pulsating, flashes of consciousness. It is always as if I experience this psychedelic state for some 5-15 seconds, everything goes black, and then I re-enter the same psychedelic state. I do not quite understand that phenomena.

My friend suggested that we go to his room, and I managed to stand, and run in a drunken/psychedelic like state to his room, where I flopped on his bed. I cannot say that it was much better, because the psychedelic, sickening confusing continued, but certainly it was nice to be in bed, and this way I could see my friend clearly on his couch right next to me. Seeing and interacting with him helped me integrate the two different states of consciousness/reality that I was simultaneously experiencing. While in the room I talked/communicated a lot...

I asked my friend where I was, and he told me that I was, 'Here.' Fantastic help that was. I asked again, and he told me that we were in his room, and that I had smoked Salvia Divinorum. From this point I felt better, more integrated into consensus reality, although still in this uncomfortable, sickening, psychedelic state. I was blown away. I was saying things off and on like, 'Fucking shit this isn't supposed to be like this. / This is like mushrooms. / I wasn't looking for this. / I wasn't ready for this. / I only had a little fucking smoke! / When is this going to end? / How long has it been? / Etc.' His communication with me helped a lot. I was blown away, because in all my past experiences with Salvia Divinorum I have NEVER experienced this magnitude of psychedelia. NEVER had I experienced a legitimately full-blown psychedelic experience, but lo and behold, I was there.

[ Brief Comments ]

Of course you realise that language fails to depict much of ANYTHING having to do with the psychedelic realm, but I did as best as 'I' could in my linguistic capacity, plus I have less energy in writing this, than you certainly do in reading it.

I have tried the Salvinorin A tincture, smoked regular Oaxacan leaf, and had one experience with a 5x standardized extract. NEVER though have I had what I consider to be a legitimate psychedelic experience with Salvia Divinorum until today.

Use care and caution. ALWAYS have a friend with you who is sober to watch after you, and talk with you if need be.

[ Advice ]

If available to you, go somewhere where you can let yourself go; yell, vomit, pee yourself if need be, get naked, whatever it is that you need. It is important in psychedelic experiences to LET GO and try to be observant of what the plant is trying to show you. Learning to let go is important, and is best done in proper settings, and with proper supervision.

[ Learned ]

Honestly, I learned less from this experience that I have in other psychedelic sessions, but I did walk away with a better understanding of psychiatric disorders, have learned a littel more how to let go and cope with the psychedelic realm, and am more at peace with the thought of death and dying.

Thank you for reading this. I hope that I've somehow helped. Someday I hope, we can integrate these important experience into our culture as every other culture before us has. I understand the fear behind the masses. What lies beyond the surface can be a very scary place, but we MUST visit it. We are compelled to.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2007Views: 4,490
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