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Spade-Like Swirls
LSD & 2C-I
Citation:   Anony5000. "Spade-Like Swirls: An Experience with LSD & 2C-I (exp50759)". Apr 28, 2007.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  9.0 mg rectal 2C-I (capsule)
Material - 1 hit of acid blotter (white, unperforated), 9mg 2c-i

Setting - My high school, my apartment, the local convenience store. I am alone the entire time.

Purpose - Entertainment and exploration.

Background - A drug user for less than a year, am 20 now. I have done a whole host of substances, legal and otherwise. Previous psychedelic experience includes ethocin, miprocin, DMT, 2c-i, LSD, and HBWR.

0:00 - I unwrap my stored hit of acid in a gumwrapper to find it has become curiously moist. What the heck? I chew it and everything else, including the gum wrapper. I curse myself for not storing it better, then insert a 9mg 2c-i gelcap into my rectum. Immediately after I dose, my dad decided to come over and grab some things he left at my apartment. I tell him I'm going out.

+0:05 - Alerts already -- Feels like the initial sublingual effect of LSD. I decide, hey, I dunno if this'll be too strong, so let's go for a walk along the country side, and since my old high school is right nearby, let's go there too! I start the 20 minute walk to my high school, which is conveniently located by my apartment (along with a convenience store).

+0:10 - I pick up a soda at the convenience store and head towards my high school.

+0:25 - Arrive at the old high school. I pick up some of the fliers they have up front about LSD and read them (heh).

+0:45 - Sit in the shade by my school and watch people do their thing around the school (mostly construction workers and tennis players, school was in the off season). The visuals start to come on a little, as well as some muscle tension. I start to think, 'Maybe that wet LSD had all gone to shit and I'm not really gonna get much of anything.' There seems to be a little 2c-i color fuzzing.

+1:00 - Those clouds are looking pretty damn interesting. A fly buzzes by my head and leaves a long trail behind it; one thing acid seems to have is more blatent motion trails than any other hallucinogen I've done. There is a little digestive tract discomfort now, and I feel like I should deficate.

+1:10 - Those clouds are looking REALLY REALLY damn interesting, as is my cellphone's LCD screen. Guess the acid worked afterall! I start walking back towards the convenience store. It's pretty how out today and I want some water. The walk back to the convenience store confirms that I am definitely tripping. This is a solid +2/3.

+1:25 - I get to the convenience store and find it is a completely different place than it was earlier. I am now at a solid +3. I get some water and sit at the side of the convenience store. As people pull up, I find myself unable to properly observe who they are from a distance. I think I see an old asian guy sitting in a car, only to look back at him a second later to find he is a young white kid. Huh? I start looking at the trees and glass more, as this seems to be a little more stable and less confrontational than people and their vehicles. Spade like green and purple patterns begin to manifest; more sharp and pointy, and less neon and more pastel than those of ethocin (4-HO-DET). I recognize these immediately as being from LSD. Is the 2c-i working much? It's hard to tell, I am very faced at this point. The grass is also notably unreal looking, in a way I have not seen before.

+1:45 - Time for acid dialing! I start running through the list of people on my phone and calling them. No one can really chat it seems.

+2:00 - This is a little intense. It would be nice to be inside now. I start walking home, but my dad's car is still out front, and I'd hate to confront him completely warped on acid and 2c-i. I head back to a grove near the convenience store. Body load is pretty strong at this point, with some medium intensity nausea.

+2:10 - I sit under a willow tree, where I have a beautiful view of the farmed, grassy countryside. Beyond the hills, in the distance, is a forest; this is the main focus of the visuals. The limbs of the trees move with the wind, and the acid moves with it; spade-like swirls spill and curl and warp with the sway of the branches. I stare at this for a while.

+2:30 - I look through the list of numbers on my phone again, and decide to phone one I hadn't before (we shall call her 'A'). A picks up the phone, and isn't busy. We chat about random things for a while. Time dilation is extreme; a 30 minute conversation seems like 2 hours. I check and see if my dad's gone; he is. I say goodbye to A (who I'm still talking to) and head inside my apartment.

+3:00 - The apartment is alien. Furniture and objects undulate in size. The apartment seems washed in a purple-red color. The carpet swirls in spade-like patterns. After some exploration, I head to my laptop, which also seems completely alien (the screen is washed in purple and my vision seems very blurred). I message A with 'Holy shit!'. She blocks me; I guess that I was been annoying her a lot more than I had realized. I feel very shitty about this, but I try not to think about it too much. I start chatting with my friends, but find conversing to be not as coherent as I'd like it to be. I put up an away message any play on my keyboard some, but that doesn't seem very productive either, so I got back to chatting. I am very energetic. There is a lot of body load and muscle tension right now.

+4:30 - The sun seems to be beginning to sink back underground, and I head to the window to observe it. The trees about 40 feet away are still swirling. I lay on the carpet and look around for 'indoor' visuals. The carpet seems to pattern out into spade fractals. At times there are reminders of miprocin/ethocin (4-HO-MIPT/4-HO-DET), but it seems to harder sharper, pointier, more ivy like characteristics to it. With eyes closed, I see some more of this, and well as some eyes that seem kind of menacing. Hmm. I keep with the eyes visual until they don't seem threatening anymore (if this makes any sense), then open my eyes.

+5:00 - I eat some food. I find that I'm not hungry, but I force it down anyhow as I haven't eaten anything yet today. I make some chai tea too and head back downstairs; this all takes a little extra than it normally would sober.

+5:30 - I chat with friends online more, when my dad calls. I don't pick up, but let him leave a message. He says to call him back ASAP. I decide this might be important and, after working myself up a bit, call back.

+6:00 - I walk outside and call my dad. He picks up, and we chat some. The conversation lasts about 15 minutes, but it feels like godawfully forever. During the whole conversation, I watch the acid visuals swirl around me. I really, really hope he hasn't picked up that I'm on something, but I guess if worse comes to worse I could tell him I've had a few drinks if he asks later.

+6:15 - After the phone conversation with my dad, things start to seem a little uglier and less fun. I'm still full of energy, but there's a lot of paranoia about whether or not my dad knew I was intoxicated. I talk with some friends about it, and they tell me to relax a little.

+7:00 - Intensity is dying down a bit, at a +2. This is good. I watch some TV, listen to music, and try and keep negative thoughts from seeping in.

+8:00 - Visual aspect is pretty dead, +1 now. I play some videogames. Still have muscle tension, as has been present throughout the whole experience. The next few hours are uneventful.

+11:00 - Seems mostly over with, though I am restless. I eat some more, but my appetite still doesn't seem to be all the way back yet. My digestive track also seems out of whack.


Concluding notes and comments:
This trip seemed on par with an 18mg miprocin trip as far as intensity went, with the peak lasting much longer, though the visuals during the peak weren't quite as strong. I would have really preferred not to have talked to my dad then, and in retrospect I should've just said my phone was dead/away from me. Ah well.

Days later: My digestive system seems to have been acting really funny the last few days -- diarrhea and constipation, no matter what I eat. It seems to be mostly gone now, about 4 days later, though.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50759
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2007Views: 10,425
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LSD (2), 2C-I (172) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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