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Gigantic Cosmic Wheel
Citation:   benskie. "Gigantic Cosmic Wheel: An Experience with Ketamine (exp50970)". Sep 1, 2017.

  insufflated Ketamine
I have tried ketamine on many occasions, in small doses. These experiences all had a physical quality, my body felt wet, and limbs felt 'thin' and noncorporeal. movement was always difficult but entertaining, and sometimes it would feel like my body would grow to the point that I was taking up the whole room, and my arms could stretch to all corners like dalseem off streetfighter. Mentally and spiritually these minor excurions where very pleasant, I would often take it with my girlfriend where we'd go into a warm fuzzy state where hugging and body contact is really enjoyable. I relate the general 'tone' of these trips to an infantile feeling of 'womb like' warmth and security, and my surroundings would become abit magical, surreal manga cartoons come to mind.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
The one really significant trip that I've had on k was on the drive home from a free-party located in some woods outside the town I live in. I was with a couple of mates, and by about 5 am the pills we had taken (3 each) had worn off- we were all coming down and pretty much just wanted to go home. This party was amazing and still really buzzing as it was a 2-3 dayer, I was probably abit paranoid with the come down, but I started to notice some really really messed up people and just wanted to get out of there,so we found our designated driver and prepared to leave. Before going D suggested to do some ketamine for the journey home, being well out of it I didn't thing twice and we preceded to snort some substantial lines off this tree trunk in the woods.

I hadn't done k for a while so I think my resistance was v.low. nothing happened until I sat down in the back seat of the car, at which point I completely disconnected with reality. This began with my vision going - I would be looking at a patch of grass, then I would look elsewhere , but the grass was still there; and then everything I was seeing just started fading and blurring together, it was scary, and then I think I passed out for awhile. The next thing I remember was feeling very different. I could sense that I was in the car and that we were still at the rave, but I was seeing in tunnel vision- all I could see was the road in front of me and immediately to my sides, like looking through a fisheyed lense, the rest was nothingness, nothing existed except for this small field of vision. This little slide show was my whole world for the next however long. As we drove along the path in the wood I became very aware of the techno coming from the rigs-This music had a profound affect on me and I was aware of it for the rest of the trip,it started sounding very shamanic and I started experiencing something, indescribable unfortunately.

Suddenly instead of leaving a rave outside of my city in the UK, I was leaving a tribal village from somewhere like Africa or India, it felt like I was in a very primal and remote place. We were moving very slowly in the car, as there were alot of people milling around the path ahead, These people became villagers, who started performing some kind of ritual on our car, it felt like they were blessing us as we left their world, at one point they were dropping gifts through the roof of the car. They all looked like african witchdoctors. This seemed to last for along time, like watching an old 50s film on a continuous loop.

At some point it all faded away and all I was aware of was a gigantic turning wheel of huge cosmic proportions, nothing existed apart from this wheel that I was attached to in some way, With each turn of this cosmic wheel I felt like I was one step closer to death, or a point of no return;getting off or stopping the wheel became imperative. This took a great amount of physical and mental exertion, bordering on pain- but suddenly something 'snapped' and instantly I was back in reality and feeling quite good and normal. All in all this was a powerful experience, I want to describe it as religious in a primal way, but that sounds lame in comparison with the actual experience. The whole trip had this very strong emotional or spiritual element that I can't really describe. It makes me ask 'what is ketamine?', with other drugs you can describe them a particular character/personality, or as having certain effects- but with k, its just too weird to understand.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50970
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 1, 2017Views: 1,672
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Ketamine (31), Sleep Deprivation (140) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Various (28)

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