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Placid Angle
Carisoprodol (Soma)
Citation:   Bacchus. "Placid Angle: An Experience with Carisoprodol (Soma) (exp51199)". Sep 1, 2006.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral Yohimbe  
  T+ 0:00 700 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:10 700 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol (pill / tablet)
Although I have used Soma several times this report will detail my highest dose experience (4 350 mg tablets).

Background: Being faced with another boring school day and wanting to get f'cked up, I decided to pop my remaining stash of Soma. I had taken two OO size pills of Yohimbe that I had made with fresh ground bark about 36 hours ago. No other meds had been taken. Pills were taken on an empty stomach. (It's noted that the Soma's were generic-being white and imprinted with a italic v and the pill code (sorry I didn’t pay much attention to the numbers at the time.).)

The Experience:

[8:35 am] From past experience, I know that the pills take about 2 hours to take full effect, so I proceed to the bathroom and ingest the first 2 pills. Mindset at the time was happy and relaxed. The pills are hard to swallow due to the size but I managed and returned to class.

[8:45 am] Ingested 2 more pills.

[9:15 am] Slight intoxication, most likely placebo.

[9:30 am] Intoxication gone. Must have been placebo.

[9:45 am] Peak is felt 45 minutes early, something that has never happened with me taking Soma. Beginning to feel moderate intoxication, which consists of extreme muscle relaxation, a need to move and talk, and some mild euphoria.

[10:00 am] Muffled hearing is experienced, along with 'slow-vision' when I turn my head (everything coming to view a second late, somewhat like nitrous) and a distinct distortion of distance (everything appearing and feeling much closer than normal).

[10:15-45 am] Effects keep new effects noted as of yet.

[11:00 am] A odd effect that I have never experienced started, somewhat like slow-vision except slow memory. Can only be described as doing everything at normal speed but having the mind focused on a few minutes ago, by the time it catches up I am already a few minutes away again. Quite odd...

[11:15 am] What I believe to be the peak. Feels much like being drunk. Feels great to just move in circles or to walk around. I have noted that while walking its difficult to stop where I plan to, making me end up closer that intended to objects or people. Hearing is extremely muffled, making it hard to have a conversation with someone even at close range.

[11:30 am] Schools out, somewhat tricky to walk down stairs but I manage.

[11:45 am] First meal, consisting of a small sandwich and soda. Pills showing no sign of wearing off quickly like previous doses.

[12:00 pm] Tiredness felt, a first for me on Soma.

[12:30-1:45 pm] Nodded off. Woke up and could STILL feel intoxication.

[5:00-ish] Went for brief walk, could feel pills wearing off with each step.

[5:45 pm] Back to baseline.

Summary of effects:
(In order of appearance)

-Mild relaxation )
-Somberness - Placebo??
-General Euphoria )
-Disappearance of all previous effects
-Relaxation, Somberness, and Euphoria return
-Feeling of drunkenness (Peak)
-Pleasure in movement & slow-vision
-Distortion of distance and time & slow-memory
-Difficulty walking
-Gradual comedown, then total absence of effects

Pill effects appear to increase in the beginning by ignoring them. I've used Soma about 10 times and this is the only time where distinct effects were felt before the 2 hour mark, but then I have a high tolerance to pharms in general. Separating the dosage times and eating apparently affect absorption and excretion time. Also water was drunk at regular intervals of about 20-25 minutes, however I barely had to use the bathroom during the trip. Generally effects last only 30 minutes to an hour for me with a slight tapering of effect followed by total sobriety, sometimes mid-sentence. Soma is definitely one of my favorites, possibly comparable with alcohol or small doses of Oxycodone.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51199
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 1, 2006Views: 47,023
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Pharms - Carisoprodol (186) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), School (35)

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