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How Do I Forget Every Time...
Salvia divinorum
by One
Citation:   One. "How Do I Forget Every Time...: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp51364)". May 30, 2019.

2 bowls smoked Salvia divinorum
Exhale... My vision becomes a painted canvas. Shadows arent shadows anymore. They are holding everything else up. I see the smallest building blocks of reality falling apart into a triangular kaleidoscope into every direction. I was no longer a body. I was... This kaleidoscope spiraling in every direction. The spirals kept going into a great distance into what would seem like empty space... Then they swirled all back together and formed an immense pattern that flowed as though it were natural. As I started remembering that I had a body and wanted to get back to it I reached for any object I could and tried desperately to give it a name. As it gained a name the object was no longer what I thought it was. What I had wanted it to be seemed absurd anyway. The surface of my desk then turned into a large rainforest. Very rapidly the seasons changed, the trees and grass all turned to dust... Then into sand. Now a vast wasteland of death and sand a single raindrop fell and washed everything away. While seeing these greater images there was one image, or thing... That put all of this together for me... A face. A person. A being.. A slim face. Like a jester. This being was in everything. As many peices of a whole. The eye... The face... I cannot deny this is alive...I came to feeling as though I had just been born. As though I had been touched by god himself. Or thoroughly confused by satan...

Afterward... In contemplation of all of my salvia trips, I do believe that salvia is an evolved plant life-form. I believe the same of mushrooms except mushrooms are the flesh of an entity much unlike salvia. This life-form is reaching to us. Trying to tell us something. This life-form, being ancient and wise, will not sit and have a conversation with us. Metaphorically it will show us what we really need to know. Seeing as how our revolutionaries are dead or sleeping, our thinkers are repressed to mental institutions and our science is restricted to that which our government thinks we can handle... We need something to open the eyes of our unique few.

Since my last experience I am waiting a while before experimenting any further. But I will continue to make contact and learn all I can from this ancient entity.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 51364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2019Views: 838
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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