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I Passed
Cannabis & Drug Testing
Citation:   Feesh. "I Passed: An Experience with Cannabis & Drug Testing (exp51427)". May 6, 2008.

T+ 0:00
0.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 72:00 1.0 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Well, the story is basically this. I tried to get a job, was told in a letter I didn't have it and then about five days later got a phone call telling me I did in fact get the job. So, having thought that I didn't get it, I also thought that I did not have a drug test.

Saturday night I had about a half gram of weed. That next Tuesday I probably smoked a gram. Wednesday I found out I had a job and needed to get my piss test that next Monday, meaning six days later. Granted, before the first time I smoked I had been clean for about two months, but... still. Yeah.

I did a ton of googling and research and was horrified to find that six days was almost definitely not enough. I read estimates anywhere from 3-30 days and with that being what it was, and myself not having a high metabolism at all, I figured I was fucked. But I didn't give up. I ran about an hour a day for the first four days and then the fifth day I started drinking TONS of water. Water doesn't really do anything but dilute, but I figured it couldn't hurt.

So, the night before my test, I took three vitamin pills to keep my piss yellow. I was told if it looked like I tried to flush, they could get suspicious. That next day, I peed twice before I went, drank maybe half a gallon of water and prayed for the best. When I took the test, I gave them midstream.

This was last Monday. Today, Friday, I found out everything went through and I was negative for having marijuana in my system. I got my job. I passed the piss test.

After googling this for like days, I figured I'd share my story, there really isn't much out there for responsible stoners to go off of. I hope this helps anyone out there who is ready to pull their hair out. I know I can't tell you exactly how anyone else's test will turn out, but I can say that I'm 5'4'' and weigh about 160. I've got like a 30% body fat thing going on. Six days was enough for me.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51427
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 6, 2008Views: 8,808
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Cannabis (1), Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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