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Fell Asleep and Started Throwing Up
Syrian Rue & Morning Glory (extract)
Citation:   shamanic. "Fell Asleep and Started Throwing Up: An Experience with Syrian Rue & Morning Glory (extract) (exp51450)". Oct 9, 2022.

15 g oral Syrian Rue (ground / crushed)
  320 mg oral Morning Glory (extract)
Morning Glory + MAOI

This was my second experience with morning glory seeds, but the first time that I have ever experienced the LSA effects. I made an extract of the seeds via the naphtha wash and alcohol extraction method.

The Process:

1. bought 320 untreated seeds from an online supplier, heavenly blue variety
2. ground the seeds in a coffee grinder until they were a yellow powder
3. bought VM&P naphtha from the hardware store and soaked the seeds in the naphtha for about 30 minutes, then filtered off the naphtha through a coffee filter/funnel setup. NOTE: DO NOT USE PLASTIC FUNNELS/BOTTLES ETC... naphtha will dissolve them partially and leave nasty plastic residues in your seed material
4. evaporated the naphtha completely and soaked the dry seed powder in about 1.5 ounces of 100 proof (50% alcohol) vodka
5. left the powder soaking for 3 weeks, shaking about every day-- it doesn't need to be this long a soak period but I left it soaking until I was ready to use it.
6. filtered out the alcohol through a coffee filter and funnel into another jar. The remaining alcohol extract had a yellow tint and tasted fairly nasty.

After this process was complete, I ground up syrian rue seeds (about 15 grams) in a coffee grinder and consumed the powder. They taste REALLY NASTY, so I downed it with some sprite and choked it down. In the future, I will use a syrian rue extract to avoid the nasty consumption process and the nausea (discussed later). I consumed the syrian rue because it is a very strong MAO inhibitor (MAOI), which makes the trip more intense and longer-lasting. NOTE: A STRICT DIET MUST BE FOLLOWED WITH MAOIs -- SEE THE MAOI VAULT FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Trip Experience:

I consumed the syrian rue seed mush at 8:00 PM and finished choking it down around 8:20. After the morning glory alcohol extract had filtered out of the seed powder, I consumed the alcohol (which also tasted pretty bad). This was at about 9:00. Nausea was fairly intense but settled down in about 10 minutes to just a dull stomach sensation. Everything seemed a little different visually after about 20 minutes, but I couldn't really tell what it was.

After about an hour (10:00 PM), I started to see tracers every time I or anything else moved. The trails would last about 5 seconds, like afterimages or something. I put on some crazy instrumental progressive rock music (Liquid Tension Experiment) and it sounded amazing. Everything was enhanced: sight, sound, touch. I started to dance to the music (which I NEVER do) and it was amazing because I couldn't see where my arms and legs were with all the trails. Eventually I laid down in a mostly dark room with the music still going and pretended to be asleep when my parents came home.

I fell asleep for about an hour and woke up immediately at 11:15 or so and started throwing up. It was disgusting and made a huge mess-- an it woke up my parents. Now I had to deal with my parents while still tripping intensely with vomit everywhere. They cleaned it up while I lay down, blaming it on what I had for lunch. It was difficult to act normal around them, but I did my best and blamed it on just feeling sick.

I went back to sleep at some point and woke up in the morning feeling great, with my stomach fine and a seemingly fresh outlook on life. The trip really was amazing aside from the vomiting part. I believe the nausea was mainly due to the syrian rue, because the morning glory extract is supposed to remove most of the nausea-causing substances.

In the future I will probably extract more seeds (maybe 500) for a more intense trip and use a syrian rue extract to avoid the nausea. Also, I will try using Everclear (190 proof) for the extract, as a higher percentage of alcohol is said to leave out more of the nausea-causing substances.

Overall, a great trip and proof that morning glory seeds really do work. While I did not experience any life-altering breakthroughs, I think a higher dose will do the trick.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51450
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2022Views: 421
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Syrian Rue (45), Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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