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Luscious Fruity Tastes
Citation:   LinguaSiderea. "Luscious Fruity Tastes: An Experience with LSD (exp51468)". Oct 13, 2017.

1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
We took it about 12 noon on a perfect early autumn day in March. By 1.30pm the 8 of us were in the sea, splashing about and jumping with joy in and out of surf breakers straight from the Antarctic.

Things started to morph into serotonergia about half an hour later, just as we settled onto the camp on the top of the cliff. Gazing out and down onto the paradisical arc of sand and wave, we could see the thousands of little dolphins leaping over each other in their frenetic quest to spill out onto the beach with each new and ever-more sparkling and be-jewelled wave. At least that's what the foamy water resembled, both visually and energetically.

As we relaxed into each other's loving acceptance and enjoyed the astonishing vista before us, the sea-floor took on the appearance of the bottom of a vast swimming-pool, with the shades of dark from patches of wea-weed taking on the appearance of differently-coloured tiles on the floor.

Turning my back for a moment to the sea, I headed into the shade of the trees, into the heart of our camp. All the bags and other paraphernalia we had deposited there instantly transformed into glowing jewels of ruby red, emerald green, blue sapphire and colours that were radiating their sweet luscious fruity taste with such intensity that I was stunned into an inanely smiling silence. Incidentally as I stood up to walk, I could feel my body plunging down into the ground and back up again, like I was suspended on a huge bungee-jump cord.

Three of the group were only using marijuana or alcohol and their conversation seemed to disturb the serenity and tranquillity of the experience.

At about 7pm or so, as the sun was setting beyond a bluff at the end of the beach, we walked along the strand, dipping toes in the waves with trousers rolled up - and we were on an endless infinite landscape, ever-present, primordial, ineffable. Patterns in the exposed rock of the cliffs became creatures, reminiscent of the sacred patterns on the sides of Uluru.

The feelings of overwhelming (of shamelessly tearful intensity) empathy and love for my partner were impressive.

The sight of the sunset on the horizon was so universal and timeless that as a group we were transported to anywhere else in the world we wanted to be.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51468
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2017Views: 1,286
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LSD (2) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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