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A Day of Hell for Me
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   John F. "A Day of Hell for Me: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp51671)". Apr 30, 2006.

  oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I am writing this to express how I felt on the summer of 2005 which has passed about 8 months ago or more. My friends and I were bored and we decided to go to are 'underground' hideout in the basement of an abandond resturant not to far from my house. Now during this period during my summer vacation I was doing nothing besides drinking and getting high with my friends.

Ok so me and about 5 other of my friends started a siph of 2 bottles of Vodka, a 2 Liter of a cheap vodka called Aristocrat, and a 1.75 liter of Georgi Vodka. We were all sitting on chairs in this underground spot we always went to and starting passing the bottles around with a 2 liter chaser of Sprite. As the siph continued I started to feel myself become heavily intoxicated. Despite my knowing I was already heavily drunk I continued to chug the bottles that were passed to me followed by an occasional couple of sips of the chaser.

As time went on my friends became bored and started to leave. I had to get up now and tried to follow them out of the hideout spot and when I stood up from my chair I could barley even stand straight. Now keeping in mind I had obviously drank so much more then everyone else and was feeling so drunk that I started to run fast on the sidewalk when I found my way out, and luckily was saved by my brother in law and best friend as I was recklessley running across the bussy street of Richmond Ave where I live. In a very short amount of time I had fallen face down numerous times, and was unable to get up for almost a minute in those short periods of Hell I call it, because I had absolutley no control of what I was doing and I soon fell face down on a sidewalk near my local Deli, and thank god by brother was right there to save my life by calling the Ambulance.

Before I realized it I was swinging punches at anyone who went near me when I got up for a bried period of time of what I could even remeber, which most was a complete blurr. I am now in the ER about to get my stomach pumped and handcuffed to the hospital bed because I was out of control and rekless at that bad state of Hell. When I finally woke up about 10 or so hours later the doctor said I had dranken myself to a stupor and he said I was very lucky to still be alive from the amount of alcohol that was in me. I had experienced Hell in my mind and am fortunate to even be here telling this story. It is now about 9 or so months after this horrible experience, and I still drink but I now know my limit and am more safe when it comes the my BAC.

I find it pretty messed up that I later found out that the people that I thought were my 'friends' were only there for their amuzement, being me, besides one best friend Anthony that was there that day who actually cared about me along with my brother in law. I am usually by myself now chillin by myself or with my brother in law, and feel a lot better about myself now that I'm no longer hanging out with people who don't give a crap about me. Out of everyone that was there that day Anthony is the only one I still see occassionally when we hand out in each others houses. I made a mistake, which is hangin out with the wrong people just because their there because they have nothin better to do besides being street bums and backstabbers.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 51671
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2006Views: 8,202
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Hospital (36), Difficult Experiences (5)

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