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Nothing but Pleasant Experiences
Citation:   Nicole. "Nothing but Pleasant Experiences: An Experience with Codeine (exp51865)". Mar 25, 2008.

  repeated   Codeine
I had my first experience with codeine 4 years ago at age 15. It was prescribed to me for pain after I had undergone a non-serious 'day' surgery. My prescription was filled for 80 tablets; I would eat them beginning at 4 at a time (120mg of codeine), eventually working up to 300mgs after learning of the cold water extraction method. While under their influence, I would experience euphoria, relaxation; a general sense of well-being. I have only once experienced nausea, which resulted in vomitting. I felt much better afterwards. This was while experimenting with stronger doses than I could handle at the time. I occasionally experience a feeling of 'indigestion', though it is easily relieved through eating some crackers, bread, etc.

As my first prescription ran out, codeine slipped my mind, and I became involved with harder drugs. I began experimenting with X, eventually using it 5-6 nights a week for over a year. I was smoking weed every day, going through about 1/4 ounce a day, and had been doing this since I was 13. I have tried crack(and precook), mush, speed, meth, acid as well as some legal highs including extracts of blue lotus, opium, wild lettuce, and dramamine.

Anyhow, long story short: I have alot of health problems now including anemia, a poor immune system, depression, and insanely intense panic/anxiety disorders. I have dropped drugs all together, with the exception of codeine. Codeine helps me to relax, keeps my heart rate quiet, keeps me happy and gives me the munchies - all of which I really need in my life right now, and other prescription medications (prozac, effexor, ativan) are not able to give this to me. I'm thankful for such a great drug, though, I must say a part of me is definitely frightened - I have never once felt addiction with my previous HEAVY drug use. A (seemingly) 'soft', innocent drug, completely legal(OTC in Canada) and I can't see my life without it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51865
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 25, 2008Views: 19,897
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Codeine (14) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Benefits (32)

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