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Summary of Hundreds of Injections
Citation:   friend. "Summary of Hundreds of Injections: An Experience with Ketamine (exp52034)". Feb 19, 2018.

  IM Ketamine (liquid)
Ketamine - significant experience

I can write pages regarding the use of intramuscular ketamine use. I have used ketamine since 1997. I can't accurately tell how many times I've used it but it numbers in the hundreds. I have easy access to the pharmaceutical type. I have only used it Intramuscularly. This is easy, virtually painless, and relatively consistent. Street drugs that call themselves something are likely a mixture of various drugs. Ketamine disassociates me and can lead to accidents and potential death. I have had one bad trip that led me to punch through a glass window cutting my knuckle open. On the other hand, ketamine is a relatively safe drug in terms of its pharmacodymanics. I use low doses to induce the 'ketamine experience'. After years of recreational use, I now use a low IM dose of approximately 40-60mg in order to avoid the trip or 'k-hole'. This drug is NOT consistent however and the same dose can illicit different reactions depending on a host of factors. In my case, 80-100mg will put me into the 'k-hole'. I have just heard this term 'k-hole' and I feel it is appropriate. I am no longer interested in experiencing 'severe' trips because it can be scary at times and foremost dangerous. I cannot always control myself. Initially, and likely always, I try to use this drug in a safe environment. I use the lower dose of ketamine to make me 'high' while usually maintaining my sense of orientation. I use ketamine in low doses to enhance my sexual experiences. Ketamine in low doses gives me extreme energy and longevity. I think it can be analagous to 'tantric sex'. I do many times 'stack' the drug . In other words, I will inject another 40mg or so as I feel needed. The trips with higher doses are extremely variable. I have had many 'all knowing' powerful experiences and I have had some terrifiying experiences where I just want to 'go home'. I will submit this information at this time and I may submit more in the future.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52034
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2018Views: 1,584
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Sex Discussion (14), Not Applicable (38)

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