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Very Pleasant
Morning Glory
by dm
Citation:   dm. "Very Pleasant: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp52098)". Sep 1, 2020.

6 g oral Morning Glory
I have experimented with morning glory once before, but I was drunk and high at the time, (not a very good idea)so I couldn't really isolate the effects of the LSA. This time, I was completely sober, had an empty stomach, and was in a very calm relaxed atmosphere (summer morning, blue skies, no one around).

I had prepared the morning glory the night before, by crushing the seeds and soaking them in water over night. In the morning I filtered the mixture and gulped it down. I had to eat a candy bar in order to finish it, the taste wasn't all that great.

I started to feel the effects after about a half-hour. I felt kind of relaxed and euphoric. After about an hour and a half, I started to have minor visual distortions. Trails, waves, and floating lights were the most common. About 3 hours after I had drank the MG, I started to have stronger visual hallucinations, like a tribal mask floating next to me in my room(I dont own a tribal mask, and there isnt one in my house). I started having a conversation with this mask and he introduced me to his friend...a giant spider. I was scared at first but the mask assured me he was friendly. After about and hour of conversing with my two new friends, I got up and walked around. I went outside and the sun hit me like a ton of bricks. My vision was full of twinkling stars and weird colored balls that looked like sparklers. I was loving it!! I frolicked around without a care in the world.

This was one of the best experiences of my life, and I would definitely do it again. The relaxed and tranquil environment, free of stress and anger really made this incredible!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 52098
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 1, 2020Views: 679
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Personal Preparation (45), Unknown Context (20)

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