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Serious Psychedelic
Citation:   Mandy. "Serious Psychedelic: An Experience with 2C-E (exp52169)". Jan 11, 2007.

1 tablet oral 2C-E (pill / tablet)
2 pals and myself went to an art opening on a drizzly saturday night. It was typical - there was free booze, mediocre art and a bunch of old artsy men hitting on young pretty ladies.

I had a few glasses of wine and then decided to split for a friends apartment in the same building. At this pad, we had a few pina colodas, gin n tonics, pbr's. We were having a merry evening. Around 1 am, myself and 3 of my friends decide to check out a party in the city, so we hop on the train and off we go. At the party, I have no money and thus can buy no drinks, so I sober up relatively quickly. On the 3rd floor of the party there is an awesome dj, so I dance until about 3. I make my way up to the roof where I meet up with one of the friends I came to the party with. He says that he just swallowed something called 2ce, which was described to him as similar to ecstasy and acid, both of which I have tried. I'm not big on hallucinogenics, but I decided to try it anyway. He goes off to get me a pill. He comes back and down the hatch it goes! I go back downstairs and resume dancing.

45 minutes later, we meet up again on the roof. H'es beginning to feel a little light headed but it hasnt hit me yet. Theres tons of people at this party. There is a room with all black lights. Theres a room where the walls are curtains. There are couches scattered about, chairs where you wouldnt expect them to be and tables set up as makeshift bars. I was extraordinarily thirsty, so I got some water. Its now about 4:30, and I lose track of the guy I took it with for the rest of the party.

Its 5 a.m and everything is starting to get that breathing look. The paisley carpet is moving in waves like the ocean. All i want is more water. The blacklight room is unbearable. It doesnt sit well with my tripping head. I feel like an alien. I cant dance anymore, as nothing is stable. I notice myself chewing on the corners of my mouth, so I try to stop. Overall the feeling is overwhelming, nothing stays still even for a second and another friend is dragging me around. As long as I think about good things, I'm happy a great time. About 6 am, I cant take all these visuals. I'ts too much stimulation and I decide that before I get sick I should go to sleep. I've lost track of time and the fact that we're on the 5th or 6th floor of a building.

By the time we get downstairs and outside I'm surprised to find we were so high up and its light outside. I'm disoriented, so we take a cab back and i try to sleep in a cozy bed. This was the best part of my 2ce experience. When i closed my eyes and laid down in a quiet environment, it was like a big blank black switchboard/light bright would light up. There were intricate patterns of little rainbow lights that were pleasant. There were lots of spirals. I eventually slept, but would wake up to a swimming room every other hour or so.

I woke up for good at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. My head was clear and I felt a little hungover but otherwise great. As for my friend whom I lost track of, he had a completely different experience. He freaked out, took the train home, couldnt sleep, vomited, went to the emergency room, left without seeing a doctor. He believed he was throwing up blood until he was reminded he drank a lot of red wine before he took the 2ce. 2ce is some pretty heavy duty stuff. If i hadnt gone to sleep, I think I might have freaked out. Almost 2 weeks later, my friend says he still doesnt feel right. I never even heard of 2ce before I took it, but it turns out theres 2cc, 2cb, etc. Look before you leap kiddies!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52169
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 8,665
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2C-E (137) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Club / Bar (25)

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