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A Good Withdrawal Treatment
Citation:   Handsome Rob. "A Good Withdrawal Treatment: An Experience with Tramadol (exp52274)". Jun 27, 2007.

  oral SSRIs (daily)
    repeated oral Pharms - Tramadol (daily)
[Erowid Note: There are case reports of people having bad reactions when mixing tramadol with SSRIs. This may include potentially life-threatening adverse reactions such as serotonin syndrome. See Tramadol Health Concerns]]

I have always been into drugs of all sorts. For the last year and a half or so I have been using oxycontin quite heavily on a daily basis. I started off with about 20mg doses and currently have been doing 80-240mg, depending on my funds and availability. I have tried quitting a few times with little success (11 days clean is my record). I get pretty ill after about 18 hours without a dose.

About two months ago I sprained my ankle pretty bad at work and having an oxycontin abuse treatment referral on my medical history I was not able to get a script for anything but Motrin or naproxen. After two days in pretty severe pain my doctor gave in and gave me a script for sixty 50mg tramadol tablets. This was just in time because a I could not find any oxy's for the last day and a half. I got my script and immediately popped 4 pills (200mg).

After about 10 minutes I popped another 3 (150mg), just from being dope sick and impatient. Within about 25 minutes the damndest thing happened, I felt great. There was no high or euphoria but my aches and pains were gone, the sweats had subsided and my energy was coming back. I couldn't believe how great these were for opiate withdrawal. I never got any sort of high from these things.

For two weeks now I have been oxy clean and have tramadol to thank. I'm not too worried about kicking tramadol because it is so much weaker and easier to ween off of.

Warning-I do take an SSRI and at higher doses (600mg+), I have gotten light headed and sort of flush, almost like taking poppers.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52274
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2007Views: 22,217
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Health Benefits (32), Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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