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Citation:   Eat_Some_LSD. "Endgame: An Experience with MDMA & 2C-E (exp52338)". May 13, 2006.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 2:00 200 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 5:00 200 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 6:00 100 mg oral 2C-E
  T+ 7:00 100 mg oral 2C-E
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Subject is extremely experienced with both MDMA and 2-CE. Both compounds are believed to be relatively pure, and are consumed on an empty stomach. Supervision was neither obtained, nor believed to be necessary (at the time). Experience is after a 6+ month abstinence from both compounds.

T+0: Ingested 100 mg MDMA.
T+1.5: First effects of initial MDMA dose are felt.
T+3: The MDMA is really starting to take effect; waves of warmth begin rushing over me. Usual emotional bonding is triggered; another 200 mb of MDMA is ingested.
T+5: The effects of the initial MDMA dose are beginning to subside, so I ingest another 200 mg of MDMA. CEV's are apparent.
T+6: Deciding that the night was still very young, I weigh out and ingest 100 mg of 2-CE; figuring that I'd spent a very fair amount of serotonin with the MDMA, I am not afraid of the unusually high dose.
T+7: Entactogenic qualities of MDMA are still very apparent. However, the 2-CE has yet to make an appearance (which is quite abnormal, taking into consideration the usual come-up, for me, is short of 45 minutes). I reason that I'm merely burnt-out, and decide to ingest another 100 mg of 2-CE.

T+7.5: Almost immediately after ingestion of the second dose, effects of the initial 2-CE dose are apparent. The psychological effects of the last MDMA dose are still going surprisingly strong.
T+10: The 2-CE is now overwhelming the MDMA. The usual visual effects (liquid, colored tracers, etc.) of the 2-CE are noticed; I am at Level 3 / ++.
T+11: I am immediately rocketed into Level 5 / ++++. The outside world crumbles beneath massive waves of patterning; coiling around me, in unison with the most bizarre psychological behavior I've ever experienced. One moment I'd known I'd lost it, and was never coming back...then I'd realised it was merely an illusion, and back. I was stuck in this loop, playing these convoluted mindgames, for nearly 4 hours, as I randomly stumbled through my house. At some point I found myself lost in my bedroom (with no greater than 10 sq. ft. of walking space), unable to grope for a seat or a light in fear that I might knock something over. I stood there for an hour or so, nearly crying because I never though I would find my way out. I finally crawled to my dresser and found the lightswitch.

T+15: After finally making my way to the garage and enjoying my last cigarette, I decided to lay in bed and watch TV. I began picking up on social cues that were either very well-hidden, or not really there. At some point I fell into a hole...or, more favorably, was 'sucked out' of a hole. Everything was black, except for the glossy sheen of some strange bubble that I now surrounded. I began feeling painful sparks of electricity shooting all around me, accompanied by a strange WHOOPH sound. I now understood the concept of viscoelastic mass, and was able to transport to strange dimensions (via rapid suction, of some sort), where I was confronted by these entities made of foam. They explained to me, using imagery, the concept of deep dissociation and interpsychological travel.
T+20: I came to in bed, exhausted, but still unable to sleep. I was back at Level 4 / +++. Patterning still coiled over nearly every inch of the room, and I find that I am completely unable to walk straight.

T+24: I go outside and light up a cuban cigar. The sun is warm on my skin. The sky was rippling like an ocean tide, as the trees and surrounding vegetation danced and breathed. I'd occasionally notice a butterfly, to the very outterskirts of my vision, as it would tumble about in the air, leaving a wake of yellow and red fractals behind it. I felt very in-touch with the universe at the moment, and very content, save the occasional welling of tears in my eyes at the memory of the impact of last night's experience.
T+28: Even though I'm fiending horridly for a cigarette, I dare not make a trip to the store, as I STILL stumble around, much like a hopeless drunk on St. Patrick's Day. Visual distortions, especially when looking in the mirror (my head looked like it was made of wet clay), were still very comical at this point.
T+36: Finally back at baseline. I feel restless, and am extremely emotional. I was quite relieved to find that not only had I managed to not kill myself the night before, but also noted that I felt neither any nausea, nor vascular dysfunction, through the entirety of the experience. Sleep that night is impossible.

I would definitely ingest a similar amount of 2-CE again, in fact, looking back at my mere 60 mg doses, am actually beginning to believe that the compound really only becomes active at 40-50 mg doses. The above experience seriously rivaled, if not conquered, my past experiences with 500+ ug doses of LSD.

I will most definitely be experimenting with a similar dose of 2-CE again, however, excluding MDMA from the mix in order the compact the experience into ~24 hours. I will also make sure to have a sitter on-hand; while from what I can gather the peak of the 2-CE lasted approximately 8 hours at Level 5 / ++++, I cannot honestly say I was in any condition to be alone. That sect in time was spent in what I can only describe as a total failure at the neural/motor barrier, completely lacking any sort of judgement and being a seriously fatal threat to myself and others.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52338
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 13, 2006Views: 14,082
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2C-E (137), MDMA (3) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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