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Totally Unexpected
Morning Glory
by Pm
Citation:   Pm. "Totally Unexpected: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp52744)". May 6, 2007.

7.2 g oral Morning Glory (extract)
This is a comprehensive report of my morning glory experiment. I will try to be as concise as possible in my story, and go over any variables that might have altered my experience. With that said, let me begin...

It was friday and my parents were leaving for a two day trip and leaving me alone at home. Previous to this experience the only drug that I had done was cannabis. I was looking for a legal drug that was cheap and easy to get. From reading some of the trip report I decided to go with morning glory. People had generally compared it to LSD and since I am more interested in altering my mind instead of escaping the stress of reality it caught my attention. So, I drove down to the local Orchard Supply Hardware store and bought four packets of 1.8g morning glory seeds for 99 cents each.

I rushed home and put the seeds in a cullender and proceded to wash them with dish soap in order to remove the chemicals that some people reported them to have. I searced the packets for any indication of them being treated, but found none. Nevertheless, I washed them anyway just to be safe. Better to spend two minutes washing the seeds then to spend the whole night puking my guts out. After drying the seeds with a hair dryer, I pulverised the seeds with a hammer until I obtained a fine powder. After that, I dumped the seeds into a tupperware contained and added approximately 8 oz. of tap water. I sealed the container and let it sit for about and hour, while shaking it sporadically. After an hour I opened it up and was met with an opaque brown solution with a not unpleasant nutty odor. I then filtered the solution through an old t-shirt into a cup. Originally, I planned on using a coffee filter but it ripped during the filtration process, so I resorted to plan b, the t-shirt. I was left with a slimy substance that I put to the side for a little later.

I held my nose and downed the whole glass of morning glory extract at once. I had prepared a small cup of mouthwash for when I was done drinking the MG tea. Without releasing the death grip I had on my nose, I gurgled the mouthwash for 30 seconds and spit it out. When I let go of my nose I had a nice minty taste in my mouth with a very vague trace of the morning glory. Not at all bad. Personally, I really didn't think the MG extract was that horrible as some people claim, but holding your nose while downing the tea helps immensely. I then mixed the left over morning glory pulp into some apple sauce and downed that. I think the applesauce masked the taste of the morning glory very well.

Prior to this experience, I had read that morning glory gives many people nausea, which is the main factor that ruins their experience. So, after I was done drinking/eating the morning glory I snacked on some crackers and drank some flat 7-up. I read from a reputable medical site that this is an effective natural way to eliminate nausea. I believe this is why I never got nauseous during the whole trip. I also heard that taking dramamine prior to drinking the morning glory helps get rid of the nausea, but I didn't want to take a drug that could possibly alter my experience. Apart from what the 7-up and crackers, my stomach was relatively empty. All I had eaten that day was a small bowl of cereal at 6:30 that morning. I drank the MG at 5:30 so I hadn't eaten in 11 hours. I even opted out of lunch so my stomach would be empty that afternoon. I know its tough not to eat, but c'mon, COMMITMENT PEOPLE! Then I waited.

I tried to keep my mind off of the morning glory and on the crackers. I just chilled and watched some TV until I started to feel the effects. The thing I most regret about my trip was not having my best friend there with me. He was out for a few days looking at colleges, phhh! Though I really don't think it's necessary to have a sitter present while on MG, it's nice to have some company. Okay, with that aside, back to my trip. About 45 minutes after ingesting the MG, I started to feel the effects. I'm pretty sure it wasn't placebo. I felt as if I was tied down to my chair, but in a good way! Kinda like when I wake up in the morning and all I want to do is go back to sleep. So for about another half an hour I continued to watch the simpsons.

Then all of a sudden I wanted to get up. Wow, what a challenge. After a few minutes I sucessfully managed to get out of my chair. I then stumbled into my room like a drunken idiot and put on my computer the episode of The Simpsons where Homer does medicinal marijuana, an appropiate choice for the occasion. It pretty cool because my room is set up so my compter is on a desk at the foot of my bed, so if I want to watch a movie on my computer while lying on my bed, all I have to do is turn the screen so it's facing my bed. I laughed my ass off like a retard during the whole episode, even at things that weren't even funny. I felt great, and the fact that I was so pleased with how well the morning glory was working just enhanced the experience. It literally blew my mind that I could have this much fun for just $4.00.

After the episode was over I decided to go for a walk in my backyard. We live on two acres so I have my space and I don't have to worry about any nosy neighbors looking at me and thinking 'what the hell is this dumbass doing?'. Just walking, more like stumbling, around was so exciting! The sun was setting so to the west the sky was a pretty orange color and to the east the sky was a shade of rich purple. Just looking at the sky and seeing how the two colors faded into each other mystified me. Feeling the waxy surfaces of leaves and throwing berries up into the air was fun.

After about an hour of that I came back inside because it was getting dark and I listened to Jimi Hendrix live at Woodstock. All I can say is wow. I love the sounds of Jimi Hendrix when I sober, but when I'm high it's like the sounds of angels (I don't know what I was thinking when I came up with that simile:)). But seriously, it was amazing. I just wanted to jump up and jam to it. After his last song, I turned the volume down and put on the most stereotypical stoner album ever, The Wall by Pink Floyd. I'm now laying in my bed and am extremely realaxed, but not sleepy. Before this point I have only felt mental euphoria. Now I am beginning to feel it physically.

Starting with my left I feel warm needles wrapped around my skin, which is not at all painful. This then travels down my arm and into my mid section, then my thigh, then my leg, then my foot, then it jumps to my right foot and up my leg, into my torso, up through my chest, through my arm, into my head and neck, then back into my left arm. This cycle continues over and over again, each time lasting approximately 5-10 seconds. I can honestly compare this feeling to a weak orgasm, but equally over my whole body. I can even move around my bed without losing this sensation.

I then feel myself starting to drift off into a trance/sleep. I'm still semi-concious, but I have entered a new world. I know what you're thinking, 'this guy's full of shit', but everything I'm about to tell you is 100% true. I am sort of floating, as if in space, but I have full coordination. Everything around me is bluish black and in the distance I can see a glowing white box. There is light radiating from the opening on the top of the box and random partially transparent items are flying into it. Nothing specific, just random shit. I am aware that I am in this dream/trance state and all I can think is I can't believe this is actually happening. I have no sense of time whatsoever and it feels like I am watching this spectacle forever, which at this time I have no problem with.

Now here comes the part which really freaks me out. I start to think, 'What if my parents call to check up on me and tell me that they arrived saftly?'. Then about ten seconds later I am yanked out of my trance by the ringing of my phone. And would you believe it, it's my dad calling to tell me that they arrived saftly! I almost shit myself (not literally) and just burst out laughing, I couldn't help myself. I knew I had to get control of myself or my dad would know that something was up. But I just couldn't stop laughing. He asked me what was so funny and thank god I came up with a good excuse. I told him I was watching a stand up comedy show on TV and it was really funny. He completely bought it and asked me how everything was at home. In between laughs I told him everything was fine and he finally said goodbye.

I could not believe what just happened and still can't. For now I'll just assume it was a coincidence, but I do believe that our minds have the potential for this kind of physic ability. Think about Einstein. Just think about what humans are capable of if we used 100% of our brain. I got back to bed, and try to achieve this trance again but I can't. I start to realize how close I came to getting busted and can't get relaxed. My heart is racing, but in fear of getting caught, not because of the drug.

My parents are super paranoid and will always notice if anything is up. For example one time my parents were gone again for the weekend and I decided to made a bong out of a two litre soda bottle. When my parents got home my mom asked me if I drank the last of the soda and and I told her I did and threw threw the bottle out. Then she asked me, 'Then why isn't it in the trash?'. In my mind I was like 'What the fuck?!'. I couldn't think up an excuse so I just acted really offended and accused her of not trusting her own son. She backed off but she was still a little suspicious. I mean c'mon, who fucking drills you about a missing bottle of soda! I get good grades and have my parents thinking I don't do drugs, but you can see why I'm kind of worried now.

But anyways back to my trip report. I just wasn't the same after my parents called. I remembered a calculus test on monday that I hadn't studied for yet and just could not get back into the trance/dream. Plus a hard rock song started playing on my iTunes since I had it on shuffle and it was too hypey for me to listen to at the time. So I got up and went to turn off my music and I got a HUGE bloodrush to my head. I passed out and woke up about forty five minutes later because my cat was rubbing up against me. I was so pissed because I knew that I was dreaming about something while unconcious but I couldn't remember what. I was lucky because I didn't hurt myself when I fell.

I was on the floor and tried to get up to go to the bathroom, but it was so hard. All I wanted to do was lie on the floor, but I really had to piss. I ended up in a position where I was on my knees but my head was on the floor. I began to see all these spectacular colors. They weren't really bright. Its kind of like when I close my eyes and look at light, I see red, but its like a dull red. Well this was like that but with all the colors of the rainbow. I was seeing silver stars with rainbows coming out of their pinnacles, like the light coming out of the pink floyd enblem spectrum. This is where I can see where people can compare it to LSD.

I saw colorful scenes of mountains and beaches that were made out of small colored tiles. I wish I could describe everything I saw but want to keep this under ten pages! It was just really amazing. After about an hour of this, which I confirmed with my clock because it seemed like six hours, the visuals began to go away. Some people say that they had closed eye visuals while taking MG, but I could see these better when my eyes were open, yet it was pretty dark inside my room. I got up to take a piss and I could walk a lot easier. I knew I was coming down but I was still happy because I had such a great experience.

I still felt a little funny but it wasn't remarkable or anything. I cooked myself a hamburger because I was starving and just sat in my favorite chair and turned the TV on, but but didn't watch it. I just sat there thinking about my experience so I wouldn't forget anything. I then got a piece of paper and proceded to write everything down so I wouldn't forget anything. Well, I was pretty exhausted and I was getting late. I got ready for bed and just passed out from mental fatigue. I slept about eleven hours that night and when I woke up this morning I checked out my notes and started writing this report.

I will definetly be trying MG again soon. I was tempted to do it again today, but I've read that it's like shrooms, if you do it consecutively you build up a tolerance for it and must take more to achieve the same high. I'll wait until next weekend to try it again. I've also considered upping the dosage, but I decided that I'll do it it one more time exactly the same before I start changing things. maybe after next week I'll try six packets and see what it's like. Based on this experience, I would choose MG over weed anyday, that's how good it was for me. I just can't believe this shit is illegal! I hope this report has helped you in some way with your decision to use morning glory.


Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52744
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 6, 2007Views: 12,413
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), General (1)

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