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Ingesting the Glory
Citation:   L-train. "Ingesting the Glory: An Experience with Kratom (exp52818)". May 24, 2006.

5.0 g oral Kratom (tea)
I am an experienced kratom user, I've used it about 30 times and I love it. It makes me feel blissfully euphoric and lasts about 8 hours for me. The last time I did it, I'm not to sure I enjoyed it. I made the tea and boiled it down to a shot, drank it, then ate an egg sandwich. Its a good thing I ate that sandwich, because it really hit me hard. If I hadnt ate that sandwich, I think I would have past out for about 10 hours! I usually feel the first alerts in 20 minutes after ingestion, but this time I felt it in 5 minutes. At times I was overwhelmingly Euphoric! Other times I was very very dizzy and ocasionly nauseous... Overall, I wish I could have taken less, because it was numbing to my body! The last 2 times I used kratom I got the 'opiate itch' and its very annoying, especially when its hot out!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52818
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 24, 2006Views: 2,906
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Kratom (203) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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