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Brain Forgets It’s Connected To A Body
by kev
Citation:   kev. "Brain Forgets It’s Connected To A Body: An Experience with PCP (exp52987)". Nov 13, 2017.

  repeated   PCP (powder / crystals)
Well, I read half your posts, the only one that really sounded like he was dusted, was the one titled 'Don't'. In the 70’s in California, we called it “KJ”, in NY, “Angel Dust” or just “dust”; found out chemical name later.

It's just a white rock; looks like coke when it's cut up. From 75 to 79, I probably did it about an average of once a week (yea, that’s a lot, and I’m still alive). We bought grams in the 70’s for $60-$90, thinking we’d sell some and smoke some, but that never happened. “Dealers” were making about 20-25 joints per gram. We made 12. (yea, ours we’re pretty potent, that’s why we couldn’t sell them). I don’t know what your word limit is, so I’ll focus on one “event” in 1976.

Preface, I smoked with the intentional purpose of “leaving my body behind”, which is equivalent to a “black-out” on alcohol. For PCP, it basically means: smoke and hold as much as you can, as fast as you can, until your brain forgets it’s connected to a body (and as a consequence, you stop smoking). You never know where you’re going to go, heaven or hell; exciting both ways, and you come back from either place.

PCP is a really good tranquilizer, so for this particular event in 1976, it shut down the area of my brain that related to pain, I had no physical sensory feelings AT ALL. I could have been set on fire or stabbed. All I felt was pressure; lasted a couple of hours before feeling came back. In the interim, I remember I was sitting on the kitchen floor (because it seemed like a good idea at the time) and someone thought I should get up, so she pulled me up and let go, I fell right back down into the edge of the counter and back on the floor. Wound up with a softball sized purple welt on my back, but at the time felt nothing.

Now, in case anyone is wondering, “Why would you try and “zone out”?” Well, because of an affect I noticed that happened with me, for which, I could only conjecture as to why. It could just have been the physiological nature of my body. Whenever I went “out”, a side affect after the drug wore off was a heightening of my normal senses, my vision was more acute, my hearing improved, etc; it was almost like I was getting a “body tune-up”, but **only** if I went “all the way out” (again, saying it another way, losing consciousness with the real world).

My last time was late ’79!


Exp Year: 1975ExpID: 52987
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 13, 2017Views: 2,106
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PCP (113) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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