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Nice Evening
by Luke
Citation:   Luke. "Nice Evening: An Experience with Kratom (exp53000)". Jun 2, 2008.

5.0 g oral Kratom (tea)
    smoked Kratom  
    smoked Tobacco  
  2.5 g oral Kratom (tea)
    joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
It was a saturday night, and my package came in the day before: 5 bags of 10 grams of kratom powder :D I went over to a friend's house and first ate a light meal. More friends arrived so I was with six friends. None of us ever had experience with opiates before, so we didn't know what to expect.

We boiled some water and put 5 grams of kratom into each of the seven cups. We just poured the water in the cups and let it sit for a while.

time: 21:00
We decided to start drinking the tea after 10 mins. after making it. It tastes very bitter, so its a good idea to have a glass of water or fruit juice on the side.

time: 21:15
We all started to feel something. A light relaxing buzz and some loss of balance.

time: 21:45
The coming up was really nice and it's doing its work now! It really took like 30 minutes to reach peak effects. At this point we also decided to roll 2 joints with just tabacco and kratom powder. We tried to smoke the joints and it did have some effect, but it burned very badly. I guess the powder is too 'compact' to burn well.

time: 22:00
We had 15 grams of kratom left, so 4 of us (including me) decided to make some more tea. We took about 2-3 grams this time.

After we made the tea we rolled some marajuana joints and smoked them. I must say this was a very good idea! I think these substances combine perfectly!

time: 22:30
My god! The kratom buzz is really strong now! I sometimes close my eyes and have nice CEV's and it also feels like I'm not breathing at all. It really feels like the ultimate relaxation.

time: 0:00 The kratom is still running strong. A bit less intense then an hour ago but still very nice!

time: 2:00 At this point I'm not really back to normal again, but most of the effects are gone.

time: 3:30 Went to bed and had a very nice sleep!


Very nice substance! Had a very nice experience, but the kratom is not exactly cheap. I might repeat this a few times, but I think 15 grams of shrooms is a better way to spend my money :D

I must add that some of us did experience some nausea, and it's a very bad idea to eat or drink alcohol in combination with kratom.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53000
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 2, 2008Views: 10,213
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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