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Sedation and Numbness
Citation:   Twiggy. "Sedation and Numbness: An Experience with Tea (exp53023)". Feb 23, 2018.

3 hits smoked Tea (tea)
One day I was reading online about smoking tea and getting sedation and even the occasional mild hallucination. As soon as I read this, I wondered if it really worked. I have done morning glory and shrooms before and wasn't expecting anything near those heavenly substances, but I was alone and bored so I went downstairs and made a ghetto aluminum foil pipe. I took a piece of the teabag I got from my cabinet and stuffed it near the hole to filter tea fragments and pour the contents into the pipe. I lit up and it took a few tokes to get it really lit. I discovered it actually does mildly sedate you and I got a little blurry vision. Nothing too powerful which for once I was actually glad of. It lasted for about 10 minutes but I suppose if I had smoked more it would've lasted longer.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53023
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2018Views: 1,750
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Tea (447) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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