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How Are You Doing Today?
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Somewhat Damaged. "How Are You Doing Today?: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp53059)". Oct 7, 2007.

  oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I had always been told by one of my friends that eating morning glory seeds can be a very interesting and intense trip. I learned the hard way that it was intense, but more horrifying than interesting.

The first mistake I made was that I was always told not to just buy the packets from a garden store, they spray them with a chemical or something. Of course being me, I didn't want to wait for proper seeds to ship over the internet. I promptly went to Home Depot and got six packets of Heavenly Blue type seeds. I took them home and ground up all six packs in a coffee grinder. Not knowing a good way to eat this brown powder, I opened up about 30 pill casings for some vitamin, emptied the vitamin out, packed the powder in, then reclosed the capsules. It was now late at night so I decided to wait until morning to eat them.

I woke up the next morning, a school day, and promptly ate all 30 pills that I had prepared. (note: this was in high school, 11th grade) I went off to school as usual, expecting to start feeling something soon. I went through three class periods (about four hours) with nothing happening. I went to lunch as usual, ate, still nothing and another hour down. After lunch I graded papers for a teacher, pretty much a way to not have to take a class. I was about 20 mins into entering grades into one of those little lined grade books when a couple of the lines started shifting around on me. I closed my eyes to clear my head. When I opened them and tried to resume, all of the numbers on the page started moving around to random boxes and kinda floating back and forth.

Normally this would have been a great effect, however it came with sudden and intense nausia. I ran off to one of the (fortunately) infrequently used bathrooms and puked my lunch up. I then remember lying on the floor in a stall, with my legs hanging out, dry heaving a thick yellow liquid for what seemed like hours. I know it was probably only about half an hour, but I kept sitting there thinking someone is going to come in and find me. At that point my world was so gone that I knew I wouldn't be able to respond correctly to even a simple question. I was so sure I was going to get busted and taken to a hospital, but with the dry heaving I couldn't leave. I did finally manage to get up and leave the bathroom. That's where shit went all crazy on me. I only remeber the intense moments, but I will try to describe. Remember, at this time I am filled with the same horror that comes with any bad trip.

I first remeber walking in a hallway. It was the middle of class luckily. There were still a few people around and I was trying to walk normaly, but the floor was coming at me in waves and the walls were moving in and out. Right then, of all people, one of the deans came out of a door. This part I swear was right out of the movies. She looked at me and said, in a very low and slow-motion voice 'H-O-W A-R-E Y-O-U D-O-I-N-G T-O-D-A-Y...?' I was just fucking stunned by this, and even if I could have come up with an answer, it probably would have made no sense. All I could do was look at her funny, then turn and keep walking.

This is when I decided how badly I needed to get out of the school. I remember walking around a few hallways, not really knowing where I was. Then I ended up at the lunch room by accident. Very bad. It was filled with people still. I didn't want to look freaked out so I just kept walking. I hate that feeling when I'm tripping and I see everyone looking at only me like they all know I'm fucked up. I made it out of there and ducked into a bathroom to calm down a little. I ran some water on my face and all that usual stuff. When I looked at myself in the mirror I nearly lost it. The whole room around me was normal, but my face was, I guess the only way to describe it was boiling. No features, just bubbles of face colors moving around. I don't remember much after that. I eventually made it outside and walked about two miles home. I saw a couple odd things here and there, but the cold sobbered me up a bit. The only thing that stands out is stopping at a giant pink snowbank and laughing at it for a bit. By the time I made it home I was pretty much back to normal.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 53059
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2007Views: 8,828
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), School (35)

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