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Complexity of Lfe Explained Through Telepath
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Various
Citation:   DMTdoodeeLSD. "Complexity of Lfe Explained Through Telepath: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Various (exp53122)". Apr 9, 2008.

T+ 0:00
4 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 2 tablets oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 2:30 2 tablets oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00   repeated inhaled Inhalants - Nitrites  
  T+ 4:10 1 tablet oral Unknown  
  T+ 0:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 3 tablets oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   inhaled Inhalants - Nitrites  
  T+ 0:00   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
The evening that beheld one of my most life-changing, profound experiences started at around 7pm when I went and met a friend. I had previously bought 14 ecstasy tablets, and was giving 7 to him, the rest for myself. We had planned to go to an illegal psy-trance party, held at an unknown location near our hometown. My mind set was good, and in high spirits we had a couple of beers, waiting for a call from another friend who we swiftly went to meet - we found out the directions from him and proceeded to get a lift to the location of the party. By this time, we had each consumed 3-4 beers.

-8.30pm - We took two of our first ecstasy tablets, with the last of our beers, and smoked a couple of joints. The journey took around 2hrs, and by the time we had got to the location we were all buzzing rather nicely. The anticipation of the party was building, with everybody becoming keen to get dancing.

We parked the car and started to walk into some beautiful ancient woods, surrounded with nothing but green fields for miles. The location seemed to have been perfectly situated for the type of people and the specific event. Dozens of hippies, in various states of intoxication, were congregating in groups, talking loudly and exchanging comments about the music.

-11pm - I decided to take two more pills, as the first two seemed to be wearing off a little, although my tranquil surroundings were making me smile.
-11.30 - We arrived on site. The party was located in a large field, surrounded on all sides by quiet woodlands. When I started to people who had already been there a while, the diversity of the particularly amazing people shocked me, and I started to buzz happily from my last two pills. Over the evening I had been inhaling popper (amyl nitrite) to intensify dancing and the effects of the pills. It was amazing dancing with and talking to these like-minded people, all hippies at heart, talking about things that other types of people just would not understand.

-12.30 - decided to buy some different pills. Bought a blue pill and two whites smurfs.
-12.40 - swallowed the blue pill.
Proceeded to smoke another joint when I felt the pill kicking in - I was happily sinking into my own thoughts and starting to have traces of light and opposite geometric hallucination as opposed to having the nice euphoric rushes of the MD family. I asked the guy I bought the pill off what it was, and he told me it was a psychedelic of the tryptamine family. Personally I felt that it was almost like a Ketamine buzz. I decided to combat this unknown dodgy pill by swallowing my last 3 pills: two smurfs and one remaining kangaroo (as I had sold one kangaroo). The euphoric rush I got twinned with the psychedelic effects of the weird pill would be enough to bring me to my knees with ecstatic pleasure, but the fact that I was in this amazing setting and an amazing mood anyhow intensified the feeling 5 times. I'm sorry if I have not got to the climax quicker: but the point of my story is soon to follow.

The next 20 mins changed my life. A close friend of mine, who I have know for 4 years accompanied me to purchase a balloon of nitrous oxide. On the way we were offered a large line of Ketamine and we exchanged that for some poppers. By the time we approached the nitrous vendor, we had started slowly sinking towards, but not actually in, the K hole. We bought two balloons, one each and stood on the dance floor, inhaling a large hit of the poppers before starting to recycle the nitrous through our lungs and back into the balloon. The noise was immense. We stood both staring at each other in silent awe, the world crashing around us, being propelled into the laughing gas realm. I remember noting that my head felt like it was being pushed upwards, into my friend, intertwining, and being forced into the fabric of life itself. We became tuned in, on THE network of neurological signals and cellular wisdoms, which radiate, hundreds of millions per second – within my body!

Everything in those next 20secs was bliss. Life made sense, and the meaning of life was revealed to us. Love flowed. Happiness thrived. We felt whole and perfect, floating of a sea of blissful awareness, nestling in the realms of the untouched cosmos. Never had I broken so far into that realm. I experienced my friend’s thoughts, and he experienced mine. We both looked at each other, touched our lips in silent wonder, and then simultaneously said exactly the same three sentences:
- “It’s impossible”
- “Oh my god”
- “That’s so weird!”
I could doubt the fact that we could have ever been telepathically connected if we had uttered just one phrase simultaneously, but I cannot believe we managed three.

I believe that there is more to reality than we can ever understand. Just because our minds cannot fully comprehend what’s actually going on behind the scenes of life, we try to ignore it. What happened on that day will stay with me forever, and I can only prompt people to find this network of infinitive knowledge, which radiates at speeds beyond our capacities of comprehension. Its there to find.
You cannot deny the experiences of others.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53122
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 9, 2008Views: 8,541
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MDMA (3), Nitrous Oxide (40), Ketamine (31) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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