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I Slipped and Passed
Drug Testing
Citation:   Petey Pablo. "I Slipped and Passed: An Experience with Drug Testing (exp53135)". May 26, 2006.

I was 15 at the time, and it was around 7:30 a.m. I went to my friends apartment every morning to smoke a couple pipes of dank before school. one day we finish smoking and I was waiting for him outside. I had a cigarette and I'm underage. 2 cops walked up to me out of nowhere and were beings dicks just about a cigarette. I gave them my pack and lighter but they wanted to search me. I was telling them I didnt consent with warrant less searches. I think I could have got away with it but I was young. They got me to empty my pockets and I tried to slide my glass pipe up my hoody sleeve but they caught me. I gave them false information before I was arrested to but that felony was dropped.

In court I was given a jail tour and 6 months probation with a urine test every month. Well I did 2 drug tests where there was a person standing behind while I pissed and they had a mirror on the ceiling above me. I took a condom 1/4 filled with clean urine. I bought at a department store whats called hot hands, it's a little cloth bag that gets hot and stays hot. I Taped the hothands around condom and taped the condom onto inner thigh. To prick condom, I took the fishing line and tied it to the front belt loop of jeans. I Tied a tac to the end of the line so it is suspended by condom while going in.

So I had a warm clean urine on leg, and a tac to prick condom already in my pants. I passed 6 tests with this method I came up with. My mom didnt even know til I told her later cause she drove me to the tests. Well I stuck it to the man with ease.I was high every test too.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 53135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 26, 2006Views: 13,265
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Drug Testing (59), Police / Customs (60) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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