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This Isn't LSD!
DOI (sold as LSD) & Cannabis
Citation:   partcleguy. "This Isn't LSD!: An Experience with DOI (sold as LSD) & Cannabis (exp53185)". Oct 23, 2006.

2 hits oral DOI (blotter / tab)
[Erowid Note: This report is listed as a DOI report, but readers should be aware there are aspects of it that suggest the identification is speculative.]

I've been waiting a while to discuss this experience, mainly because it was such an intense, emotional ride. This is really the story of my first bad trip. I knew it would come some day. The omens were all around me as I will explain.

I had obtained two blotter hits of 'acid' from a good friend, K, during the winter break of 2005/2006 (the acid had pictures of characters from Family Guy on it). I've had a good history of trips- shrooms, acid, mescaline/cactus, salvia, pretty much all the natural chemicals you can use to warp your mind. At this point, though, it was becoming somewhat redundant. I don't know how some people trip, or claim to trip, 300+ times. I couldn't tell anymore whether I was doing it just for fun or to find some mystical part of myself or the universe.

Anyway, I was hoping to get a friend from home, T, to trip with me (he had two hits of the so-called acid as well), but he was having his doubts about tripping ever again as well. Not a good state of mind to be in before tripping anyway. The friend who sold me the blotters tested them out with his roommates and told me the stuff was extremely powerful (and he only had one hit). I ended up buying the two hits off of T so I could use them back at my college with another friend.

So it ended up I had four hits of 'acid' (which was really probably DOI as I will explain later) that were burning a hole in my pocket so to speak. I was anxious to try out some excellent cid. I had wanted to wait for a day where it was snowing hard, like a blizzard, but no luck. Finally on a whim, me and a friend who had been planning to accompany me, A, decided to go out of our minds.

NEVER DO ACID ON A WHIM. I chose a Sunday to do this, thinking the trip couldn't last much more than 12 hours. I knew this, but hey, I've done acid before, right? Down the hatch. I knew something was fishy when the hits tasted about as bitter as munching on dried cactus, but I sucked them dry anyway.

We waited about 2 hours and we were still barely above baseline. Marijuana was smoked, and we waited for a little longer. Finally, waves of giddiness and energy began to crawl through my body.

A and I decided to explore the graveyard near our dorm, a frequent stoner hangout. By this time, paranoia had set in and things were quite wavy. The visuals were elusive in a way. Not the same as acid usually is. Staring at the pink clouds, they would shift and move and come back to the place they were before. This was the peak of the trip. Everything was extremely beautiful although I felt like I couldn't take in everything. Sensory overload in a way. Colors like pink and orange were brilliant.

We headed back to the dorm and smoked more mary jane. Strangely, unlike acid, the grass seemed to make me more confused rather than intensify the trip. Things only got more crazy. One aspect of this drug was the aural hallucinations. It was similar to acid, though. Any small sound would be distorted and my mind would twist it around and make it into something I've heard before. Imagine an entire orchestra of sound, not quite random, but made with an insane orchestrator. Only, the sound was caused by a blowing fan nearby and it sounded something out of Atom Heart Mother.

The night progressed slowly. The first thing that got to me was the repetition. I was slowly being sucked into a time loop. I played my harmonica and every 20 minutes or so I would play the same riff as if I was going to continue and then I would stop. The night dragged on.

Suddenly, A gets a call from his mom. Unfortunately, A is not very experienced in the ways of dealing with authorities while twisted. He must have convinced himself that he had slipped and accidentally told his mom or brother what he was on. He began confessing and his terror rubbed off on me. The night only got worse from there.

The time loop continued. Most of the problem was that we stayed in my small dorm room. I had nowhere else safe to go for the most part though. DO NOT DO A HALLUCINOGEN IN A DORM ROOM unless you have somewhere else to go. At least go for a walk.

Eventually, after about 13 hours (I believe we took the hits at about 11 AM that morning) A went back to his dorm. Bad idea, though I couldn't have known it at the time. I was still at a strong ++. No sleep that night. Nights of insomnia from drugs are the worse. There is no such thing as time. Get up, get a drink, go to the bathroom, get back in bed. Rinse, wash, repeat.

I woke up the next morning feeling the worst I have ever felt. As a psychology student, I knew the symptoms of severe depression, but I had never experienced them. I was dead to the world, no focus at all. Knowing that LSD uses a lot of seratonin, I drank milk (with lots of tyrosine) and some coffee. After a few hours I was feeling salvageable.

I found out later, A called my roommate during the night asking for help and then hung up. He tripped all night, and being inexperienced, called for an ambulance. They put him in the psych ward and he had to leave school and go to rehab. He will hopefully be back this fall though.

Overall a hellish experience. After talking to K, he told me the guy who sold it to him tripped on the stuff a bunch of times and matched the experience with reports online most closely to DOI. There is no certainty that the chemical I ingested was DOI, but it seems to match other reports in some aspects.

This is somewhat of a warning, try to know what drug you're taking. Unfortunately, that's not always a certainty.

I may do hallucinogens again, but nothing more than mushrooms. The length is really what brought my distaste for this class of drugs. Good luck psychonauts.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53185
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 23, 2006Views: 18,858
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LSD (2), DOI (259) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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