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Unexplainable Feeling of Euphoria
by JMD
Citation:   JMD. "Unexplainable Feeling of Euphoria: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp5329)". Jan 13, 2002.

16 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
After being the last of my friends to try this new drug I sorta knew what to expect. It was friday and I knew it was time to pop the 16mg capsule. I was waiting to try it because I wanted to do it with my girlfriend. We both decided that we would do it around 3:00 pm, since many of my friends has some insomnia folowing their journey.

3pm. Downed the pill with some water. I had eaten lunch at noon, and felt my stomach still had something in it. Around 20 minutes I started to feel something. I knew something was up, but I wasnt sure what. I started to feel a little tired so I layed down on the couch just watching T.V. Meanwhile my girlfriend, said she didnt really feel anything but a little drowsy.

It was 3:50 and I layed up, and started rubbing my feet on the carpet. Man did that feel good. I felt like my sense of touch just tripled in sensitivity. 10 minutes later BOOM. I was up and man i got this energy rush like I couldnt imagine. My mind felt like i just smoked a shit load of Pot, but on a different level. I wanted to do everything at once. I couldnt decide. I wanted to go outside, I wanted to sit down, I wanted to do everything right at that second. So having all this energy I grabbed my shoes and ran outside in the cold afternoon. I felt like I had no concerns no problems, I just had to do something else besides sit inside.

Meanwhile, my girlfriend was still on the couch, not really feeling anything at all. So after 1 hour and 15 minutes she decided to take another 12 Mg capsule.

I came back inside and sprawled out on the floor starring at the ceiling. For the first time in my life i saw my first open-eyed visual. The fan on the ceiling was still. After looking at it for a couple seconds, the blades started to droop down at me and go back up. It was the coolest thing ive ever seen. The ceiling looked like a million little snakes swimming to the beat of the music we were playing. Just as I was blissfully laying on the floor, my girlfriend bounced off the couch and felt a huge surge of energy, and body buzz like me.

2.5 hours in still feel like I'm not at my peak yet. Everything just keeps getting better and better. Now for the biggest shock. I went to call my friend, when I picked up the phone. The dial tone was completely off. You've listen to a dial tone your whole life, but when it is just a couple keys too low, you know it. It was wierd. I freaked out and ran to my next door neighbors to listen to their dial tone. I just notcied everything sounded lower than usual. Songs that you know by heart, sounded way wrong. But as soon as I accepted it it was pretty cool.

My girlfriend was still laying on the floor starring at the celing. She said she couldnt move. She had a huge smile on her face and didnt want to get up. I wanted to go to my friends apartment next door, but she just wanted to lay there. After another hour it was almost 7 pm, she finally got up and we walked to my friends APT. We sat there with them just look around the room. Many cool things I noticed. When my girlfriend and I put our feet together, it felt like they became one. Alot of times I would feel as if I was melting into the couch, I became the couch.

At a higher dose like she took. The open-eyed visuals were amazing she said. She saw things move. She reported the carpet having a heartbeat, and seeing millions of little people on the ceiling dancing to the beat of the music. She seemed to peak later than me and was very impressed.

We went back to my apt. later and layed around while it slowly wore off for another 4-5 hours. The comedown was excellent. Not like MDMA, but very gradual. We layed in my bed. And both felt very senually attracted. Sex was great not on a physical level but on a emotional and sensual level. The feeling of connectedness was amazing.

All in all we fell alseep fine around 2 am. No side affects at all. No nausea. Felt a bit out of it the next day. But all in all it was a great experience!

Cant wait to try again!


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5329
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2002Views: 15,388
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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