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A Useful Psychotherapeutic Tool
Citation:   Emperean. "A Useful Psychotherapeutic Tool: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp53293)". Jun 21, 2006.

50 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
  20 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
The following report is expressed in 3rd person for artistic expression and simply for the fun of it! It appears to be fiction, but it is a recounting of an actual experience. It was a fairly uneventful trip, but I tried to pack it with as much useful data as possible, because this was a personal research experiment, rather than a recreational dose. I hope you enjoy it!

The apartment was nestled on the banks of the beautiful Yangzi River. Rusty and Sally, the two psychonauts helplessly entangled in love, arose from a deep night’s sleep and stood looking over the river in nervous anticipation of the day that lay ahead.

“Well Beautiful, what’s it going to be?” Rusty asked.

“Well, I’m thinking I’m going to start with a small dose, but I’m going to snort it!“ She responded with a devilish grin. Rusty looked a bit worried.

“Oh, I don’t know babe, you sure you want to do that? It seems when things go wrong with these RCs, it often starts by going up the nose.”

“I know dude, and that’s why I’m going to start small… how does 8 mg sound?”

“Alright, I’m cool with that … I’m going to take 20, but I’ll be taking it in a glass of water!”

The scale was set up on the bathroom counter and particular care was taken, first calibrating, and then dropping the fluffy cream coloured powder onto a small piece of foil, fleck by tiny speck. The numbers on the orange glowlight panel slowly counted up, 1, 2, 3 until a pile of 2c-t-2 the size of a cannabis seed lay on the foil. The scale cost Rusty a lot of money, so he took great pride in the exercise. Knowing these research chemicals have a steep dose-response curve, dose measuring wasn’t something he took lightly, and he knew that the three hundred dollars spent on a mg scale just might make the difference between a journey to heaven and a hayride to hell.

“Well Sally, the 2c-i really didn’t sit too well with me last week,” Rusty said, “so I think I’m going to pop one of these dimenhydrinate tabs before we dose”. Shaking one little orange pill into his hand, down the hatch went 50 mg of Dramamine. The two of them sauntered out to the living room to look over the water and meditate for an hour. They thought about the unusual events that might soon unfold, and asked that the spirits bring them what they need.

Rusty rose and returned to the kitchen, brought a tall drinking glass down from the cupboard and mixed his tiny dose of 2c-t-2 into a cool glass of water. Sally meanwhile, was sitting in the dining room cutting her small pile into a fluffy white line with a razor blade. Down the hatch for Rusty and up the nose for Sally, the chemicals disappeared.

The two of them sat, looking at one another with a certain amount of bewildered amusement. Sally’s eyes were quickly turning from white to red and tears began to stream down one cheek. She gripped her face tightly behind closed hands and mumbled, “Hey Rusty, you remember that experience report you read online that described snorting 2c chemicals as being kicked in the head by a psychedelic horse.”

“Yeah, why, was he right?”

“Nope, not even close. This is like being kicked in the head by a psychedelic elephant”, and moaning from the pain, she got up, walked to the bedroom, and collapsed on the bed.

Rusty followed and looked at her limp body laying akimbo across the fluffy fleece bedcovering, and stood there for a moment, trying to decide what to do next. She was laying with a smile on her face, her eyes rolled back to reveal the white’s behind partially closed eyelids. “Baby, you okay?” Rusty asked, laying a hand gently on her forearm. He was amazed it took her away so quickly, it had only been about three minutes.

Sally answered without moving “oh yeah babe, I’m definitely okay … totally out of it, but absolutely fine”. Rusty turned down the covers, fluffed up a couple of pillows and tucked Sally into a position more suitable for the journey. “Uh ... Rusty?” She mumbled, “I’m feeling a little nauseous”. Without a moments thought, Rusty raced to the bathroom, and soon returned with a small plastic garbage can which he put beside the bed. He then jumped in beside her to care for her while he waited patiently for his own experience to arrive. Sally rocked and moaned quietly beside him and the smile never left her beautiful face.

Only a few spiraling minutes later, Sally returned from her psychedelic slumber, and slumped down over the side of the bed and wretched liberally into the bucket. By this time, only about 15 minutes had passed since she inhaled the mysterious white powder. Again Rusty asked “You okay Kiddo?”.

“Oh … uh yeah … I’m fine, I’m positively fine” she said with eyes closed. “Not sure where I am at the moment but it is definitely a good place, despite the puking”.

The two of them lay in the bed for about an hour, Sally moaning happily beside Rusty, while he rubbed her back and waited for his time to come. Finally she opened her eyes , blinking as if arising from a full nights slumber and said “Ohhh, I think I’m coming back to earth … I’m going to try getting up”. Rusty’s trip was only beginning to show signs of appearing, so he guided her back to the living room, and she stood looking out onto the river at the flawless spring day spread before her. “Oh my, this is so beautiful! … I don’t even know what the hell I’m looking at, but it’s so beautiful!”

Rusty’s trip was just beginning to show signs, so the two of them decided to walk down to the river’s edge and lay out in the sun on a blanket for a while.

Rusty lay peacefully, gazing up at the sky while Sally continued to reacquaint herself with consensual reality. Rusty’s head was buzzing, and he felt a distinct dreaminess and sleepiness which he attributed to the Dramamine, but as time passed over the following hour and a half, it turned out to be the nature of 2c-t-2 for him. The lack of nausea however made him think that it might be working as he so often suffered from a queasy belly from psychedelics. At 2 hours in, the grass was beginning to sway back and forth and breath expansively as if ocean waves were rippling under the earth’s surface. He felt heavy, but the dreaminess was unlike any psychedelic he had tried before. This felt more like a tranquilizer, like Xanax or something similar, and he was beginning to feel a bit of disappointment at the lack of psychological stimulation.

“What’s going on with you?”, Sally asked, as Rusty paced along the grassy bank, trying to decide if he felt good or not.

“Well, I’m feeling a bit jumpy and jittery, but at least I’m not irritable.” He said with a certain amount of irritation in his voice. I keep getting these abrupt flashed of light when I close my eyes. It looks like pools of rainbow coloured mercury, or luminescent chromium. I have to say though, that other than that, this is pretty un-spectacular. The visuals are pretty mild, and mostly, I just feel a body load coming on, and I feel like I’m shaking a lot, but I know I’m not. One thing is clear to me …. this is no dancing drug, and I won’t be trying this at the next party, that’s for sure. This is more of a heavy, mellow ride.

“Well, overall though, is it good or bad?” Sally was still laying back, smiling and looking staggeringly beautiful sprawled across the blanket

“Uhhhh I don’t know babe, I can’t really say … I’m beginning to feel like I want to crawl into bed and not move. I am a bit disappointed too, with the lack of mental stimulation … My body feels drugged, but my mind is simply carrying on like it is a Tuesday afternoon at the office”.

After 2 and a half hours from dosing, they returned from the river, and walking up the stairs from the river was difficult for Rusty despite Sally’s never ending smile. He was tired and weak, but one thing was very peculiar. The parking lot outside the apartment seemed to be on a pronounced incline, something he hadn’t noticed before. “Well at least something interesting is happening” he thought, and continued pasting a smile on his face and hoping this substance might deliver something more spectacular in time.

Sally decided a shower was in order, so Rusty settled down in the living room and tried to process this experience. “Do I feel hungry” he thought. “I know I’m hungry, but I don’t feel like eating, and food doesn’t interest me at all. “Could I talk to strangers right now?” He asked himself. “Well, yeah, probably easily, but I wouldn’t want to. In fact I could probably walk downtown in public no problem, but I wouldn’t want to and I just feel so damn lazy”.

He sat tapping his notes into his laptop, while Sally prettied herself up in the bathroom, trying to calm the wild eyed, crazy woman staring back at her in the mirror. Suddenly, waves were sweeping over him, similar to the characteristic rush of psilocybin. He looked down at the clock and it had been exactly three and a half hours. No question … things just got weirder. Much stronger and much weirder. He stood up to go to the bathroom and realized that along with this sudden rush, things were starting to get ugly. Darkness began to creep in and this benign body load was surely turning into something more like a bad mushroom ride. Things looked dirty, out of place, and it weighed on his mind to see the clutter and untidiness from their day of lounging. Things looked moldy, wretched, even though he rationally understood he was in their clean and comfortable place. He went to the bedroom. “Sally, I think it’s time. I need you to take care of me now. Can you tidy up? … that mushroom thing is happening again.”.

Sally understood immediately and began to tidy up. As she happily danced through the room, she lit candles and straightened the bed, and put some Shpongle on the stereo. Rusty collapsed into the bed, hugged a pillow, and tried to focus on the ambiance that Sally was trying so hard to create. She cuddled in beside him, and gazed into his psychedelic eyes and tried to calm the creepy tide that was rising around him.

Laying in bed with Sally beside him, the psychedelic effects finally starting to take hold, he departed for deeper psychological territory. Visions of his family began to fill his mind. He reflected on his family members and his relationships with them. He realized and reflected that his own family really didn’t know him very well. If in fact they knew of his deep passion for psychedelic travel they would probably be shocked, disturbed, angered, disappointed, alarmed. The fact that this would be based on their own ignorance of how wonderful these substances can be was sad and upsetting and he began to cry.

Sally patiently listened and stroked his forehead as his deep reflective state continued on for the next 45 minutes. He reflected on the growing distance between himself and his older brother and it became clear that he had been pushing him away for a long time now. The long suppressed emotions swirled around him and with a completely intangible sense of knowing, he realized that only he had the power to improve the relationships between himself and his family. The situation was difficult, but important, and cathartic, so he let it wash over him and allowed the long awaited tears to stream liberally down his cheeks. The lovely Sally lay beside him and listened quietly and stroked his face while he cried, wiping away his tears and placing gentle kisses on his brow.

And then, as abruptly as the peak had struck only 45 minutes before, it was gone. With remarkable clarity, the world began to stabilize, to still itself once again, and the heaviness in his arms and legs disappeared with the chromium coloured rainbows. In only another half hour, or about 5 hours since ingesting, Rusty was feeling much more normal again, but lighter somehow. “Ahhhhh … this substance does have magical properties after all,” he thought.

Our two warriors set out once again along the river to reflect upon the day’s events. Sally described a very different experience than Rusty. Indeed, from Rustys perspective it might well have been a completely different substance. Sally’s descriptions of her insufflated trip appeared to him to have been more like a DMT journey, rocketing through hyperspace on a psychedelic magic carpet ride. “If you were to choose five adjectives to describe your journey today, what would they be?” Rusty asked.

“Ohhh you’ll have to give me a moment” she said, and with a long pause and then a sigh she said, “Colourful, animated, painful, difficult, worthwhile”.

“Painful?” he asked. “you mean painful on the psyche?”

“No, no, not that … I’m talking about the psychedelic elephant. The first half hour was pretty rough, but even through the pain, the body high was unbelievable, and gave me something to distract me from the elephant’s foot in my nose” … “How about you?”

Rusty launched into his post trip ramble. “I’m surprised by the slow come-up, the short intense peak and the rapid comedown. As fast as the peak came, it disappeared at just over 4 hours. I’ve definitely felt better physically, but I’ve also felt much worse, and mostly it was just the excessive nervous stimulation, shakes, jitters and heaviness that bothered me.” He stopped to look through a chain link fence down the bank to the rushing water below. “I guess the body load tended to colour the overall experience for me. The same experience without all that would have been okay, so I’m going be trying it again for sure, but maybe at a higher dose to see if I can get more out of it on the psychedelic end of things.”

“So what about the peak?” Sally asked. “You were in a pretty dark place … how do you feel about it now?”

Rusty kicked a stone that skittered off along the pavement into a large puddle left behind from last night’s rain. “Well,” he said, “2c-t-2 definitely has therapeutic potential for me. I came out of that short, dark, sad episode feeling good, purged and healthy mentally, having a better perspective on my family situation and a more compassionate view towards my family members. That small personal gain made this experiment more than worthwhile in itself. The visuals were mild and unimpressive, less than, but similar to the 2c-i at 12 mg. Comedown was fairly easy, without the usual raging hunger, although for a short period just after the peak, I felt much like coming off of a heavy dose of MDMA, severely cracked out.”

“So it seems your giving it a small thumbs up overall?” Sally remarked.

“Yeah, I’d say so, yeah”, he said, “but it’s not what I would call fun, and I can’t see this substance ever becoming popular on the party scene … although it’s hard to say on one experience. You certainly were in no shape to party!”

Sally perked up. “I think the coolest thing was the way we dosed together, but the different methods allowed us to care for each other today because our experiences were totally offset time wise”, she exclaimed.

“Definitely babe, and it was totally by accident, but I learned something today. When we trip together, and the peaks line up, it makes it so hard to be present for one another, and we’ve had some rough times with some mutual bad trips. It seems offsetting dosing times or each using different dosing methods might be the way to go in the future. That was probably the greatest thing about today! We both got to observe each other and be there for each other through our respective peak experiences. We’ll have to experiment with that idea again next time” Rusty said with a smile.

The sun was just beginning to fade in rose and violet patterns over the trees and the sparkling surface of the water cast reflections of light up into the sky. Rusty took Sally’s hand, and led his psychonautic dream girl back home and the two of them got into their pajamas. Exhausted after a day of travel, curling up in front of the TV with a glass of wine and an episode of Trailer Park Boys brought another beautiful day to a very welcome end.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53293
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2006Views: 5,998
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2C-T-2 (53) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4)

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