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Comments on Hash Honey Oil Technique
Cannabis - Oil Extract
Citation:   Anonymous. "Comments on Hash Honey Oil Technique: An Experience with Cannabis - Oil Extract (exp5342)". Feb 25, 2001.

The Hash Honey Oil Technique works quite well for me. For many reasons, I prefer it to the other methods I have tried (isopropyl, ethanol, & acetone). The oil is much more potent. The process itself takes far less time and is not nearly as complicated. Best of all, though: It doesn't stink up your house !!!!!

I will not bore you by repeating the steps of the process; you can read all about it in Erowid's Cannabis Vault. Everything went the way the author (Indra) said it would, except for a couple of points. In the page, 8oz cans of butane at US$4.50 were mentioned. Well, I never found cans that big OR deals that good. Also, the fact that the recipe calls for coffee filter paper to be used for filtration causes me to doubt that the author has ever performed the extraction personally. Coffee filters simply did not work for me. The liquid would not flow through the paper; it merely sat on top of the paper until it evaporated. This was a cause for distress the first time I tried it. I emptied the gas into the tube, came back 20 minutes later, and there was nothing at all in the collection vessel. At first I concluded that the method was bunk, but my previous experiences in trying to use paper filters w/o a vacuum reminded me to try it again with a fine cloth filter. That did the trick. :)

The yield is lower than with the other methods, but again, the product is much, much stronger. In fact, leaf processed with butane as per the Hash Honey Oil Technique was found to be more potent than actual bud processed with ethanol. The smoke is extremely harsh and some users find it has an unpleasant taste. I like the taste, although it does cause me cough and sometimes sneeze.

This is by far the simplest method I have tried, and it produces the most potent oil I have ever had the pleasure of smoking. If you have leaf that is headed for the compost pile and are interested in trying an extraction, I highly recommend this method. Leave the other solvents alone. They will stink up your house if not blow it up. Furthermore, with any sizeable amount of material, it may take a very, very long time to complete the task. Spending twelve hours hovering over boiling alcohol will give you a great appreciation for the 20 minute butane extraction.

Oh yeah, another benefit of using butane is not having to wonder if your product is completely dry ( solvent-free ). The butane completely evaporates at room temperature, and if that's not good enough for you, place it in a warm water bath afterwards and you will be convinced.

Smoking straight oil can be a hassle of sorts to the inexperienced. You'll figure out a way.

My favourite: Stove hits. Place a tiny gob of the oil on a 1' square piece of aluminum foil. Set the foil on a hot burner of an electric stove using pliers. It should start burning right away, and you can easily catch the smoke through a straw. not use an actual drinking straw as it will most likely melt in close proximity to the hot stove.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5342
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 25, 2001Views: 96,182
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