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Puke Fest
by Tman
Citation:   Tman. "Puke Fest: An Experience with Buprenorphine (exp53447)". Oct 27, 2006.

8.0 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
It all started when my friend comes to school, having just taken a 8mg pill of Buprenorphine. We go smoke a cigarette, and he is looking around saying how cool everything looks. While we are walking back to school he hands me this pill, saying just take it I feel so good right now. So I put it under my tongue and man, did it taste bad. So my math class starts and I go to it, not feeling anything. But about 20 minutes later it hits, hard. This is my first opioid I have ever taken, I get up and walk and it feels like I’m bouncing. I felt so good and everything looked so cool. About a half our goes by and I start to get nauseous, really nauseous. So I figure ill drink some water, big mistake. Made me want to puke. So I put my head down for the rest of the period and feel incredible. But if I lifted my head I would instantly feel like puking, or even if I drank any water, I felt like puking. So after class I'm walking to the bus and my friend who took the other pill starts puking, a lot. Walking to the bus we both are extremely nauseous and feel like complete garbage.

We get on the bus and the whole time I had my head behind the window will cold air blowing on my face to keep me from puking. The second I got off the bus I start puking a lot. We arrive at my house where we instantly hit the couches and then the great feeling comes back. But then my parents make us move a bed out of the house, we instantly start feeling like shit. Out pupils are tiny, and remain this way for about 3 days. We move the bed down the stairs where my friend starting puking again, luckily my parents didn't notice.

Then we decided to go to my friends house, where if we drank, or ate anything we would puke within 5 minutes. We could not even open our eyes without puking. This went on from about 3-10 o clock, where finally we smoked some reefer and I went home and passed out.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53447
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2006Views: 30,513
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : First Times (2), School (35)

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