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Native Mounds, Shiva & Shakti
Citation:   Merlin. "Native Mounds, Shiva & Shakti: An Experience with DOI (exp53528)". Feb 13, 2007.

2 hits oral DOI
A friend of mine told me about this substance, she was impressed and I was interested. So we drove out to this camp ground where there are mounds that were built up by native americans. We pitched our tent and got everything ready then we dropped. I should note that up to this point it had been a good weekend for each of us and we were in a good mood. Within about 30 minutes I started feeling an excited feeling like what one feels on LSD before it really kicks in. This feeling increased for awhile. It felt like I had butterflies in my stomach and I was restless, it was somewhat uncomfortable.

We walked around the campgrounds to expend our excess energy. When we got back to the tent she smoked a little pot to settle her stomach, and she said it did help. About two hours after dropping I was starting to trip. After that I had no more stomach discomfort or nervous feeling. We spent a long time in the tent. We would stare into each others' faces, I would see her face become different things but I came to love all of them. Eventually we left the tent and went for a walk. We made ourselves drink water before we left. Neither of us wanted to get too far from the camp so we stayed on the road and just walked around, talked to a couple of people we encountered, looked at stuff, laughed. When we got back we drank more water, not because we wanted it but because it was a good idea, then went back in the tent.

We were all over each other. It was the most erotic night of my life. However we did not have sex that night. I think the reason we didn't is because the drug causes a certain disassociation from the body. I never felt like I was outside of my body but there was a feeling sort of like being the pilot of my body. Throughout the trip a constant for me was an acute awareness of what the Buddhists call Dukha, dissatisfaction, it is the First Noble truth that the natural state of life is dissatisfaction. Only briefly at the peak of the trip did I feel free from dukha, but even then I was aware of it. For me it was a total Shiva/Shakti trip. She was the Goddess and I was the God, then we would reverse, then we would reverse again. The two of us became one that night. There was little talk between us, possibly because of the setting.

One thing I did not like about DOI was the body load, there was quite a bit. My body did not feel comfortable in any position. A strange thing was that it did not matter much to me what position my body was in. I could have my legs bent all the way over me, practically standing on my head and this was about as comfortable as laying flat. At different times the two of us would hold the same positions for what seemed like a really long time for no particular reason and without much discomfort. Another strange and paradoxical thing was that during the more intense part of the trip I did not *care* whether I was comfortable or not. However in the later morning hours, after I was not tripping as much, I did care. Occasionally I would get sudden urges to move around a lot, but during the later hours of the morning I mostly just lay feeling a strange lethargy where I did not want to move a muscle. I would guess that I peaked about five hours after dropping.

For my friend the trip was one of deja vu and consciousness expansion. While we were walking that night in a flash she caught a vision of the native americans that once lived there: women with baskets on their backs filled with fish, women scraping corn. At different times she experienced deja vu, and during and after the trip she had experiences of synchronicity.

In the later hours of the morning I wanted to go to sleep but could not. The trip was relentless. I did not hurt anywhere but I had an odd lowerback discomfort that I cant describe. Eventually my friend did get a little bit of sleep, and I probably did too though I cant remember it. Around sunrise we started packing up the tent to beat the heat of the day. The sunrise was so beautiful with the red Sun rising over the low laying fog. By this time we were no longer tripping but we were still quite high, big pupils, giddiness, and all. The two of us walked up the chief's mound, no one else was around. It was lovely, and she got the feeling that the we had been there before. Back at her apartment I was still high. I would say I sobered up about thirteen or fourteen hours after we dropped.

To sum up, for me DOI was similar to LSD in mental effects, but it had a lot more body load. There were visual effects similar to LSD but not as pronounced. The duration was much longer than acid. This substance is not something to take lightly. One reason is the potency, but a bigger reason is the duration. I would not recommend taking much your first time. For me it was, over all, a very good experience. I will always remember it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53528
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2007Views: 13,326
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DOI (259) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Sex Discussion (14), Relationships (44), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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