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Quieting the Inside of My Head
Lorazepam & Alcohol - Beer
Citation:   nicole. "Quieting the Inside of My Head: An Experience with Lorazepam & Alcohol - Beer (exp53578)". Jan 28, 2020.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    oral Pharms - Lorazepam (pill / tablet)
Ativan and Alcohol

I heard from a friend that the effect of tranqs were greatly enhanced by alcohol. A family member had a prescription for Ativan (she has anxiety problems) and is always happy to share a few.

Ativan by itself takes 'the edge' off, nothing more really. Makes me extremely tired. I took 4mg last night and slept for 16 hours. When I first started using them, I would get slight euphoria, but as a tolerance built, it quickly went away.

On a couple different occasions I've mixed alcohol and ativan. The effects basically hit me as a relaxed euphoria, a 'spaced-out' kind of feeling in my mind, and my motor skills are greatly effected. Often, I have a difficult time walking, though this obviously depends on how much alcohol I drink. With alcohol alone, I have not yet had this effect, no matter how much I drink.

The 'spaced-out' feeling can be better described as slowing my thoughts process. If someone is to ask me a simple question which I would normally answer correctly by instinct, I instead, have to think about it. Also, I've found this combination to quiet the 'background noise' in my head. I'm not sure if this is true to most people, but, I'm constantly talking to myself in my head, about my surroundings or friends(etc, etc), where as alcohol and ativan makes it all quiet.
I've found this combination to quiet the 'background noise' in my head. I'm not sure if this is true to most people, but, I'm constantly talking to myself in my head, about my surroundings or friends(etc, etc), where as alcohol and ativan makes it all quiet.

This mix also kills my short-term memory. I will, say for example, walk downstairs from my bedroom to get a glass of water, then in the kitchen realize that I've forgotten what I'm supposed to be doing, and head back upstairs. If I party the night before, combining ativan and alcohol, I will not remember, say, 80% of what happened the night before. For example, last week while drinking at the beach, my friend S was chasing my friend D (for some reason, as far as I can tell, something along the lines of, S wanting D to pee on the fire, so D ran.. S chased him.. yes I realize how immature that sounds), and he fell on some rocks, breaking his collarbone and tearing some ligaments in his shoulder without me even noticing, or remembering the next day.

It should be noted that I do not even drink much (in comparison to my friends). Usually, I drink about 6-8 coolers or beer to get drunk, 3 to get buzzed. I don't usually drink hard alcohol, though I am able to drink 3/4s of a mickey of 40% vodka at a time and still feel okay (thinking, walking and talking clear, no nausea).

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53578
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2020Views: 3,102
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Pharms - Lorazepam (79) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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