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First Time Rage
Citation:   Ganjaman. "First Time Rage: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp536)". Sep 9, 2000.

  insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
It was a few years ago, I was in 9th grade. I had smoked marijuana for the first time at the beginning of the school year and I was interested in trying something different. The school dealer offered me crystal meth and I took him up on his offer. The next day he brought it to school, I paid him $15 and we went our seperate ways. I waited until after 1st period to snort my first line in the boy's restroom. It burned, but it really didn't bother me that much. Since this was my first time doing it, and all my friends hadn't done it before either, I had no idea what to expect. I waited a few minutes and nothing happened then the whole day went by and still nothing happened.

I was on the track team, and I had learned that the track meet for that day was only for Varsity, and being on JV excluded me from that day's meet. I then realized that I would have to inform my parents of this, so they didn't drive all the way down to the school where the meet was being held. I went to the student office and asked to use the phone. She politely aked why, which was school policy, and I explained that I needed to call my parents to tell them that I wasn't going to the meet. Unfortunately the asshole track coach happened to be in the office and he overheard our converstation. He said that he told everyone on the team about the schedule change the day before. Hearing this the secretary declined my request to use the phone. This made me extremely pissed off. Not realizing that Junior High School secretaries are complete morons, I tried to explain as simply as I could how I wasn't at the practice the day before, but they just wouldn't listen. They just kept on saying that the coach had told everyone the day before, and they didn't seem to care that I wasn't at the practice. I am not I violent person, and I had never felt such extreme rage in my entire life. I was ready to jump over her desk and rip her fucking head off, and I would have, but for some reason I didn't. I just left and on the way out I took a picture off the wall and through it on the ground. It was not until a while after the incident that I realized the crystal meth had influenced my anger.

When I got home from school, I snorted another line and found that you can't snort just one. My nasal passages were clear and my energy level was through the roof. By the time my parents got home (an hour after I had gotten home) I had snorted the whole bag. After a while, my family had retired to the living room so I decided to join them. It is probably a good idea to mention that I am a very shy person, and I hardly talk at all. I must have forgot this after I snorted the bag, because when I put my headphones on I started singing very loudly along with the songs I was listening to. My parents didn't seem to mind so I kept on singing until I couldn't sing anymore. The only hallucinations I had was my bedroom door warping, which only happened for a second. I could hear my dad talking on the phone in the kitchen, but it sounded as if we where in the same room together.

Overall this was an awesome experience. The main reason why I would not recommend this drug is because it is very addictive. I did it only a few times after that before I quit for good, but that was only because the one and only meth dealer at my school moved away. I found myself craving the drug even months after quitting.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 536
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 9, 2000Views: 35,392
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Methamphetamine (37) : General (1), Various (28)

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