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Skinny Marijuana User
Cannabis & Drug Testing
Citation:   Mango. "Skinny Marijuana User: An Experience with Cannabis & Drug Testing (exp53651)". May 4, 2008.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I am an occassional marijuana smoker, meaning that I don't let it interfere with my life. Several of my friends use the drug and I join them time to time as past-time. Anyway, 3 weeks ago I started smoking marijuana about once every 2 days. Over the past 3 weeks, I've smoked about 10 times with the last time being 4 days ago.

I am 5'10' and 112 lbs. I am one of those people that can eat as much as they want and never gain any weight. I have a very high metabolism rate. I might have a drug test coming up soon, so yesterday I was at the gym for an hour. I ran 3 miles in 30 minutes and then I sat in the sauna for another 15. I've never sweat so much in my life as I had yesterday. I felt like a human waterfall.

Anyway, getting to the point. Today I tried one of those home THC tests. I passed.

Now, I do not know if those tests are completely accurate. I was also advised that you should never give your first urine of the day. That is exactly what I did. I wanted to make sure I could pass that. Well, the test came up negative. I hardly have any fat. I am thankful for this. Now I can pass this test and not worry about a thing.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53651
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2008Views: 12,982
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Cannabis (1), Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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