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Not Recommended for Insufflation
Bufo alvarius secretion
Citation:   Moshka Mushka. "Not Recommended for Insufflation: An Experience with Bufo alvarius secretion (exp53659)". Jan 3, 2018.

  insufflated Toad Venom (dried)
It was never my intention to attempt the insufflation (nasal/snorting) of the sonoran desert toad's venom however the pipe that was to be used turned up mysteriously missing, and 'snorting' was a valid experiment which lead to the events here outlined.

Insufflated aprox. twice the quantity that would normally be smoked (for what I presume, from other reports) for intense effects. This has been my only experience with The Toad to date and unfortunately I have yet to compare it to the profound experience that is allegedly derived from the secretion of this peculiar toad found only in the sonoran desert.

The effects were: Rapid heart rate, feeling of intense heat, persistent burning lasting until the next day, persistent sneezing and nasal irritation and very little psychoactive effect. This method was very uncomfortable and very ineffective. Practically no positive effects were felt from this route of administration.

I presume that the smoking of the toad venom truly is the only way to correctly administer the active principles 5-meo-dmt and bufotenine.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53659
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2018Views: 2,850
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