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Smoking Experience
Morning Glory
Citation:   Benjah. "Smoking Experience: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp53926)". May 31, 2007.

10 seeds smoked Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I have tried orally ingesting Morning Glory about 12 times through several various methods of ingestion, none of which gave me any psychedelic results. Even with over 10 grams of well ground seeds I experienced nothing but stomach pain.

Then the other night I remebered I had 3 grams of seeds left which I had already ground up in a coffee grinder, so I decided to try smoking them. I packed a bowl with some 'ahai buds' (which don't work either by the way) just so I could have something to sprinkle the powder on. I didn't really have any problem smoking the morning glory, and the taste wasn't even that bad either. I probably smoked about 10 seeds worth (though I'm not sure since it was ground up), and then decided to chill for a few minutes to make sure I didn't smoke too much. There were no psychedelic effects once again, however my eyes did swell up tremendously all the way around, as well as turn solid red. That was around 1 am, but the swelling didn't get close to normal until that evening.

In conclusion, maybe smoking would work for you if oral ingestion does as well, but start small just in case you get the same reaction I had.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53926
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2007Views: 10,058
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Morning Glory (38) : Health Problems (27), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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