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Variable Concentration Effects
NItrous Oxide & Oxygen
Citation:   gasman. "Variable Concentration Effects: An Experience with NItrous Oxide & Oxygen (exp53986)". Apr 28, 2018.

  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Once upon a time when I was working for a specialty gas company, I was required to produce anaesthesia calibration mixtures consisting of 5%CO2, 30%O2 balance, and 65%N2O. This mixture was a blast to inhale and provided constant euphoria.

Since our gas mixing manifolds had digital pressure-indicating devices (variable partial pressures 70-100%), I experimented on finding the optimum N2O concentration with a pure O2 balance which produced the highest level of euphoria without the 'black-out' feeling progressing.

This was determined to be ~75% N2O & 25%O2. Higher levels of N2O began to cause audio black-out & hallucinatory feelings wheras the 75/25 proportion resulted in a constant & ridiculous level of euphoria and numbness.

Exp Year: 1987ExpID: 53986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2018Views: 958
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Nitrous Oxide (40), Oxygen (187) : Combinations (3), Workplace (51)

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