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The Capsule
Vitamins - Niacin
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "The Capsule: An Experience with Vitamins - Niacin (exp54139)". Jun 26, 2006.

  repeated oral Vitamins - Niacin (capsule)
So, flash back to about a year ago. It was 2005, and I had just got caught at school with pot. I was told that I'd have a drug test coming up soon, and I wasn't about to let myself fail and get in more trouble than I was already in. So, I went on a desperate search to find a way to get clean. It wasn't long until I was told about niacin and how it was a 'miracle 'cure'' (in my friend's words). I was eager to get my hands on some of these pills, because I had a feeling that just drinking massive amounts of water wouldn't really be foolproof, and I wanted all the help that I could get.

A few days after my friend had told me about this, he handed me a rolled-up plastic bag. I couldn't really see what was inside, and asked him what it was. He told me it was niacin pills. I thanked him profusely for helping me out, and then put the baggie in my pocket.

I got home later that day, the anticipation killing me. I popped two of the pills, as my friend had instructed. He had told me that this would cause EXTREME discomfort, as in fever, flushed, itchy skin, and that sort of thing. I waited for this to set in. After about half an hour, I felt no different, and I was told that within 15 minutes I would be in this little vitamin-induced state of misery I had heard so much about.

I had concluded that the pills were duds, but the threat of a test kept me in the mindset that I needed to take them. The second time I took them, I got more of the experience that my friend had described, although it took about 30-45 minutes to set in. My skin was flushed and blotchy. I looked like I had a massive sunburn with little white spots all over my body, especially my arms. My ears got hot and they felt like the wax inside of them was melting and running out, but a Q-tip in the ear yielded no sticky orange wax. And I was itchy. Oh god, was I itchy! It felt like there was little fires under my skin, and all the scratching in the world didn't help. The itching and heat lasted for about 20 minutes, while the skin flushing lasted almost an hour.

I have since bought a bottle of my own niacin pills. Sometimes when I take them, I get the itchiness and flushed skin. Other times, nothing happens at all. Tonight was probably the strangest time. I took niacin earlier, and I got a mild version of the uncomfortable state that it puts me in. But also, I got a mild psychoactive effect. I was sitting at the computer, and suddenly I got a dizzy feeling, but besides the dizziness, there was a mild 'pulling' sensation, like I was being lightly tugged forward. My thought process seemed to be a bit slower, and more relaxed. It was around that time that I decided to write this report. I don't know if that was maybe just a placebo effect of some sort, but I think the pills themselves may have been the cause, and not just my mind.

Since I was first told about niacin's ability to help one pass drug tests, I've been told otherwise. Some swear by it, and others say it doesn't work. I don't really know for sure, but either way, I'm on probation now, so I need every little bit of help I can possibly get. If it doesn't work, I only spent $2.50 on the bottle, so what the hell?

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54139
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2006Views: 21,435
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Vitamins - Niacin (230), Drug Testing (59) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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