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The Sickness
Citation:   Anonymous. "The Sickness: An Experience with Calamus (exp5414)". Mar 1, 2001.

T+ 0:00
2 Tbsp oral Calamus (tea)
  T+ 2:00 2 Tbsp oral Calamus (tea)
12:oo pm I ingest 2 tbs of dry calamus in a tea. just an overall weird feeling, did notice colors were brighter overall. not a nice buzz at all. instuctions said 1-2 tablespoons for increased energy mood enhancer. 3-6 tablespoons for ecstacy buzz. 7-10 tablespoons for lsd like buzz. 11 tablespoons for full blown hallucinations and loss of memory.

So a few days later i try two more tablespoons in a tea not much to brag about. so i waited about 2 hours and ingested 2 tablespoons more for an ecstasy like i thought. about a half an hour later feeling very weird and i start vomiting dry heaves every 5 minutes from 2:00 -8:30 at night. it was the worst sickness i had experienced in years. i couldnt sit up i couldn't lay down, tears pouring from my eyes. as sick as you could without dying at least i thought so.

highly recomened for your worst enemy.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5414
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2001Views: 18,600
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Calamus (106) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16), Health Problems (27)

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