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Honey Oil Extraction Comments
Cannabis - Oil Extract
Citation:   Shansi Pansy Pants. "Honey Oil Extraction Comments: An Experience with Cannabis - Oil Extract (exp5415)". Jan 14, 2002.

  smoked Cannabis (extract)
I recently used the method for extraction of 'honey oil' from pot. Unfortunately, the author explains you need about 1 1/2 ounces of pot to start with. Now I don't know about you, but I sure don't have 1 1/2 ounces of pot laying around here, and I can't afford to go out and buy that much. Instead I purchased 1/2 oz, and kept 1/4 for regular use and 1/4 was used for experimenting. I built the apparatus as described, with a 1 1/2 inch PVC pipe. Now, when 1/4 oz of weed is ground out, it makes a very small pile of powder. When placed in 1 1/2 inch diameter PVC, it is about 1 inch deep.

Also, I placed my coffee filter (which worked fine--I don't know why that other guy had a problem with that.... unless ice crystals clogged up the filter as the butane boiled away), on the bottom of the pipe, but there was still about 1 inch between the filter (holding the weed) and the end of the cap with the 'pepper shaker' holes (about 7).

Now, I used 2 bottles of 2 oz butane, which I purchased at a Home Depot for US $2/each. I found them in the tools section near the propane torches. Eight ounces seemed excessive for the amount of dope.

So next I dumped the powdered weed into the top of the pipe. The coffee filters were secured with a rubber band, and then the bottom 'pepper shaker' cap was squeezed on top of the filter.

The method seemed to work fine--I just used a warm water bath to help evaporate the butane. Basically a honey type substance was left at the bottom of the container. Not very much at all, maybe 1-2 teaspoons at the most. I decided to thin it with 100 proof Smirnoff and found that the stuff was almost completely insoluble even when warmed up quite a bit.

In order to smoke it, I took a paper clip and gooped some of the honey on it. I then wiped it all over a cigarette and waited for it to try a bit. When I lit up the cigarette, I could see the brown liquid on the outside bubbling and vaporizing into a pure white smoke. I found that smoking the cigarette managed to vaporize the stuff but much was lost as the cigarette burned. In order to conserve the stuff, I took a plastic funnel, held it upside down with the cigarette under it, and sucked the smoke through the funnel. It seemed to catch almost all the vaporized THC and not very much tobacco smoke at all. When I inhaled a big breath, I could taste the weed and feel its harshness in my lungs so I knew it was working. Anyhow, after smoking the whole cigarette with the gump on it, I got moderately high. Not stoned, just high. I could still function perfectly and did not get any munchies at all (an added bonus). However, I was hoping to get shitty stoned, and it just didn't happen.

Here are my thoughts and my suggested alterations to the apparatus: A 1 1/2 inch diam. pipe is WAY too wide. The butane doesn't get a chance to percolate hardly at all, it just went right through it like water. The butane came out the bottom of the pipe very fast, so I don't think it had a chance to dissolve very much THC. If I were going to do it again, I would buy about a 1/2 inch pipe for 1/4 ounce of weed. Maybe a 3/4 inch pipe. Next, don't put 5 holes in the bottom to make the pepper shaker cap. It allows the butane to go through it too fast. I would suggest about 3 SMALL holes. Next, put the coffee strainer right up to the holes in the cap. You want the weed to be all the way at the bottom of the apparatus, so that as the butane is waiting to flow out the holes, it is soaking in the weed. Next, fill up the pipe and press down the weed gently. You don't want it so packed that the butane gets stuck or takes TOO long, but you want it to percolate through slowly.

I think this method would allow the butane to percolate slowly down a much longer chamber (idealy the weed should fill up almost the hole foot of pipe). The three or so seconds my butane was in contact with the weed just wasn't long enough to get much THC.

I really believe that this method should produce a much better yield. Next, don't bother trying to dissolve the honey in 100 proof vodka. I'm going to try everclear next.

On to smoking it. The cigarette method seemed really wasteful. Stick to vaporizing it as seen in the instructions. I'm going to try to build a sort of vaporizer water pipe to cool the smoke, because vaporized THC is tough on my lungs, and being so hot makes it tough to hold in the lungs.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5415
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2002Views: 28,386
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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