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High Expectations, No Results
Citation:   Martai. "High Expectations, No Results: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp54448)". May 13, 2008.

1 nuts oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Decided to only take one nut of 'meg, as it really is a ballache to grind up, and DAMN did it look a lot! Gonna be drinking it in a honey, vanilla ice cream and nutmeg shake, which sounds pretty tasty!

5:00pm T+0:00 Just on my second nutmeg milkshake out of maybe two and a half. Doesn't taste too bad, decided to use strawberries as I'd run outta honey. Got a nice christmassy taste to it.

5:30pm T+0:30 Milkshake number 3... Get in!

6:00pm T+1:00 Watching Wildboyz, just had a huge roast dinner. Seem to be coughing up a fiar bit of phlegm every now and again, and a little light headed, but that's about it so far! Can wait for the peak in a couple hours!

6:30pm T+1:30 Starting to feel kinda stoned, and really tired. Starting to get redeye, wooohooo! Showing some effects. Still could murder a joint though, might have to get some weed.

7:00pm T+2:00 Was feeling REALLY tired right up until a couple minutes ago, now I feel fucking peachy! Gonna go smoke a cigarette, see if that does anything. But first, have to play air guitar to Dire Straits!!

7:20pm T+2.20 Just read online that taking nutmeg with milk or milkshake may kinda reduce it's effects. Still feeling a very slight something, but now I'm more pissed off at my dad who's just being a cock. Really wanna get outta here and be with friends, so I can just chill and not feel like shit in my own home. Really could do with a joint or a hitman.

7:30pm T+2:30 Right, finally gonna have that fag (ok, cigarette to my American friends), and I'm gonna get a can of beer too. Try and neck it in one, speed up that alcohol embrace!

8:45pm T+3:35 Officially feeling nada now. Kinda disappointed. Next time, thinking of upping the dose and not taking it with milk/milkshake.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54448
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 13, 2008Views: 7,633
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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