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Thanks for the Memories
Citation:   Ms.714. "Thanks for the Memories: An Experience with Methaqualone (exp54477)". Aug 1, 2006.

  oral Methaqualone
The drugstore cowboys of the early 70s had their own pecking order of medications. The morphine & dilaudid went first, then the demerol & its cousins, and people were 'stuck' with mayonnaise jars full of Quaaludes, Sopers, & Parests. We learned to appreciate them later. That lovely hypnotic was best taken on an empty stomach when you had no plans to drive anywhere (lock up those car keys!), and you could sit back rubbing your fingers together until they started getting kind of numb and happy.

As a matter of fact, my entire body felt numb and at peace. It was possible to build up a tolerance very quickly to this stuff, necessitating two and/or an alcoholic drink. Years later I was blessed to move to a town where some fellows had stockpiled thousands of 714s & Mandies, which they then forgot about. The stockpile surfaced, and I was offered some. It was like being offered one of the finest bottles of a rare wine. None of the flakiness of the bootlegs we'd had in college- this was the real stuff, albeit aged. It had been in a freezer and had lost none of its strength. I'd love to be there again.

Exp Year: 1970ExpID: 54477
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2006Views: 16,350
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Methaqualone (218) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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